Killing ring

Date: 10/11/2019

By skunksauce

First dream was v fuzzy. Jenn and i watched a fucked up movie about animatronics in japan. They were really old and ugly. There was a rat one, thats all i remember. Dream 2 My dad said he was being followed and was scared that the man would try to get into our house and follow us too, so we closed every window, and for some reason he helped me put a blanket up on my ceiling in the dark. Except i had a bunch of drawings and trinkets on my ceiling, so he had to help me take them down first. Thas all i remember of this. i was in a competetion where i had to kill everyone before they killed me, like the hunger games. Except modern. We were in one large house during all this. All i had was my little knife. I remember stabbing people and feeling the crack of their bones under the knife, and the pressure it took to pop under their skin. It felt real. I killed so many people. I killed family was sick. I remember at one point, the remaining people alive all sat at the kitchen table. We were served food. I only ate until i saw other people eat to make sure it was safe. I was sitting at the table with my mom and dad and we all agreed we wouldnt kill eachother at all, and that we'd protest the competition. The food was just some cooked mushrooms. It was too late before i started tripping. I ran upstairs into the bathroom and locked myself in there until it passed, as i was in no condition to fight. I smashed my head against the walls and was talking to myself, meanwhile i was seeing light trails and feeling myself vibrate and melt. Eventually that passed, and i quietly and carefully snuck out. Eventually i ended up with....two other people. A smaller child and, someone else. We were teaming up to kill the remaining guy while hiding in a closet. The remaining guy comes along and explains that he isnt the last one left...the kid who tried to stab him is left. I peak my head out of the closet and see a chubby, maybe 11/12 year old red-faced kid crawling on the ceilings with a knife, smiling with his tooth gap. He was giggling, i asked if he wanted to team up to hill the other guy and he agreed that we'd be an amazing team. He showed me that he was hiding on a corner of the roof this entire time, posing as a doll. Time passes and none of us care about killing anymore. We just lowkey wanna be friends. I remember that one remaining guy calling me and telling me he went on a date with someone else from the competition. I said "omg did you take it up the ass" and he went "YES!!!" thats honestly all i remember but how fucking weird.