Anonymity and Compassion - Reminders from the Oversoul

Date: 3/29/2020

By FrankRuden

As the dream started, I remember encountering a girl on YouTube or something. I think my mom told me that this girl wanted to meet me. When she met me, she seemed excited and wanted to shake my hand. Apparently, we spent time together and adventured (I don’t remember what we did). I then remember hanging out with Josh Watts, a bloke who goes to my university. We were being anonymous, wearing beanies, bandannas, and sunglasses. Those covered our faces. I think we started off at my old high school doing something rebellious (or maybe we were simply feeling rebellious; I know not). We were then in a large mall, surrounded by people (I think this large mall had a school in it, which Josh and I attended in the dream). Josh and I encountered a couple of small, crippled boys, whose father was named Rob (a trainer at Basin Rec). Rob didn’t notice us. We felt compassion for these boys while still having our faces covered. Another part of the dream saw me with a family, and I think we had a babysitter. This family was located somewhere near the mall, I believe. The babysitter was separating people who were well-behaved from people who were poorly behaved. The well-behaved people were moved to the front, and the poorly behaved people were moved to the back. I was usually well-behaved, but the last few times, I was poorly-behaved. I think this was because I was taking some sort of food without asking (I may have been doing other things, too, but I cannot remember what).