Worst thing ever

Date: 7/16/2019

By gdj535

Ok so we went on a vacation to Florida but like it was summer camp for some reason on the beach we took a train that was also the hotel in the middle of the city and all my friends from real summer camp were there too. We walked around the beaches and just hung and on the second day we walked down the street by the hotel and Bradyn showed his dick to some random group of girls and dares me to but I just made out with all of them then we like talked for an hour then left. Now we are at the ice cream parlor with the theme of scoops ahoy from stranger things and just hanging out and some girls walk in and two are from my hometown school ( Caroline and Hannah) and in real life I hated them but in my dream I showed them my dick and i was thinking it would be the size it was in real life ( I was not lucid but I for some reason I rembered how it looked) and it was like super tiny for some reason and I was pissed then they started laughing. All of my friends and me walked to the beach to eat lunch and it so happened I was sitting next to Hannah and she just told me I was an embarrassment and how stupid I was. My friend Cole had seen my dick in the dream and I don’t really rember how I think we were masturbating together or something like that and I tried to convince him to tell her how big it really is bc she would believe him (they dated in real life) but he wouldn’t and I was pissed so I ditched everyone and went to film a movie scene from Jurassic park because all of a sudden I was an actor and we filmed a couple scenes and then my dad walked in the movie place and asked me if i ever sent nudes and I said no but then he asked me if I had showed a girl my penis and i told him what happened then he disappeared and I walked home and when I walked in my family was having an orgy and for some reason my grandma was also there and so I joined idk why. Some lady from the hotel/ train walked in and said we were being too loud so we stopped and went to dinner. THE END. don’t judge for how messed up this dream is I’m in middle school