Date: 11/10/2019
By LaTasha101
I dreamed that I saw multitudes of kids. First the scenery was that I was on a type of shipping dock. I looked up and saw a plane. It was just floating in the air staying in it's same position. In the tail end I could see kids sitting in a type of bleacher style. I mean the first row had kids, then the second row, next the third row. It was a small row of kids for the end of the round shape plane. When I saw them I waved and they waved back at me. The scene changed. The plane went away and other obstacles on the dock disappeared too. Now, there were large islands with kids. There were so many kids that I could not even provide a count. Then the islands and the kids shifted away. I mean the island with the kids moved on the water to disappeared. So, there was just clear water as I stood on the dock. The atmosphere was very peaceful for this all took place at night.