Date: 1/12/2019
By Rose2019
I was going through these dark tunnels underground with my friends and we’re being chased by these demon creeps and somehow make it out alive only to flip to us all in a pool next to the woods where I see all these frogs and fish in this dirty water and so me feeling bad I scoop some up to swim in our clean pool. Everyone starts bitching when the pool water gets dirty so I panic and start plucking them back out and they just feel so gross and I don’t think I ever get them all out. Then yet again I’m thrown into my old aunts house and me and my sis and friend are upstairs hanging out and I go downstairs and talk to my aunts boyfriend and it’s like our neighbors are out to get us, this old man from across the street come creeping into our yard and he breaks in and so I run for the stairs and he’s blocking them holding a weapon, turns out he means no harm but then the bf asks me to sneak under the garage door to get something outside but be fast and quiet since we’re being watched from all houses and I crawl under the door and I get the job done and I see the house across from us a guy coming out running towards me so I bolt for the garage and slide under, quickly shutting it, this alerts all the other crazies and now they’re coming from all angles and end up breaking in the back and coming into the house, I hide in the garage behind a care of some sort and this big as apocalyptic dude comes strolling in with his goons and he walks around the car and just glances at me then yanks me up and I’m taken with them. Then next thing we’re in my school and all these kidnapped kids are being corralled around and I see my uncle in this room full of guards so I sneak into it and talk to him, I remember maybe getting out of there into some sewers?? It gets blurry after that