2 dreams: crumbling mountains, fire, strangers, exotic sea creatures

Date: 9/27/2017

By JRGoriginal

Last night I had a dream that I was going out of college and going to a town west of it. A person who I don't recall was driving and an old friend was sitting beside me. While passing through the town, to the distance there were giant mountains that were crumbling, and the woods caught fire. The fire burned everything but I did pay it much attention. When we finally got to the place that we were dropping of my friend, she thanks us and up comes a man offering us gifts. There were various exotic animals but I can only recall one: a black fish with long fins that each extremity glowed in the dark and he was able to swim even outside of the bowl in thin air. After this I awoke. I had to run some errands but after I got back, I took a nap because I was tired. There came the other dream. I dreamt that I was at my grandparents house. There house is on to of a hill made of stone, but for some reason it was made of dirt and branches. A man came down from the mountain, I didn't recognize him though he looked like my exterminator. He told me not to pull out the branches, but I already was. And I managed to pull the giant branch that kept the dirt together. The mountain was about to collapse, but the man told me that he needed help with something. We went inside the house and I saw a gas tank open and an open flame made by the stove, the fire was burning like crazy. He closed the gas tank but left the fire on. When I look to the counter, there was this water tank filled with King penguins. Flying fish and swimming birds. Weird.