Digital art, Create an image of a group of people surrounded by huge stone walls, with alarms blaring and toxic rats screaming, while one of the group members stands their ground and uses blue flames to fight back against the rats.

Toxic Rats

Date: 11/24/2018

By MsBananaNanner

I’m with a small group of people and we’re all trying to escape this place that we’re in. There are huge stone walls that surround the city and we’re sprinting towards it. There are gates speckled all along it and at different heights, but alarms are blaring and they’re closing for lockdown. We’re all running as hard as we can. We kind of split off into a few groups and mine is headed for a gate that has rushing water coming through it and down through this long sluice. We’re so nearly there, but then the guy next to me shouts “RATS!!” We all turn to where he’s pointing and see that they have indeed begun to release the rats. They’re huge creatures, probably about the size of a bear, and they come out of a gate with a toxic symbol above it. When the rats scream it’s so loud and green clouds of toxic fumes come out of their mouths. They look mangy and rabid. The rats put their noses to the air and within a few seconds they’ve caught our scent. “We need to move faster,” I say, urging everyone forward. We finally make it to the gate and it’s almost shut, but we can slip through if we’re quick. But then at the last second, a rat springs out in front of us and screams at us. We all stumble back, trying not to breathe in the toxic gas. I tell the guy next to me to get everyone back and he tells me to retreat too. I order him to go and shove him away before he can argue. I step closer to the rat which is eyeing me menacingly. It screams full force in my face and I try to hold my breath, but it just keeps screaming and screaming and screaming. Faintly I can hear the other guy yelling at me to move, to get out of it, but instead I just slowly raise my hand towards the rat, making a fist. I can’t hold my breath anymore and have to take a deep breath of the burning toxins. I can feel it hitting my bloodstream pretty immediately, but I ignore it. Concentrating hard, I close my eyes and funnel all the energy to my fist and it radiates out as blue flames. The rat looks stunned, but my flames aren’t hitting it, just burning up its toxic breath. It finally stops its screaming to inhale and I take the opportunity to send another blast of flames at it, this time hitting it square in the face. It recoils at its fur being singed off. It screams in wailed shrieks and skitters away. The rest of my group is standing huddled together, wide eyed and in shock. “How did you do that?” The guy asks. “I-I don’t know I just...I just did it.” “Well do you think you can do it again?” He points to another set of rats coming our way. And then I pass out. I’m fighting to stay awake, but it’s not working. A rat is carrying me in it’s mouth and when it finally drops me I’m at the normal city gate in front of one of our usual guards. (It was one of my coworkers but i don’t dislike her at all irl) “Thought you could get away, did you?” She asks, holding a knife out so I don’t dare get up off the ground. “You can’t keep us here forever,” I say, feeling more conscious now. Slowly I start to stand up and she holds the knife to my throat to keep me from coming closer. “You smell like rat.” “And whose fault would that be? Who released them on us?” “Do you really think you can escape us? What hope do you possibly have at overpowering us? We’re the ones with the weapons.” I glance past her and see the rest of my group huddled together, beat up and bruised. “We’re not powerless. Not even you could take that from us.” Raising my hand I focus on shooting flames at her abdomen. She steps back, startled. It doesn’t hit her right away, just wavers on some sort of protective shield around her. I shoot more flame, though I can feel it draining me fast. She tries to thrust her knife at me but I hold it back with my flame, focusing it all right on her hand. She screams as the flames break through her protective field and starts searing her hand. She drops the knife and clutches her hand. I widen the flame back up and let it hit her in the chest. She raises her hands to shield her face, but I don’t let up. The flames just keep burning her until she starts to disintegrate. I hold on as long as I can, hearing my group cheering me on, and just as she’s disappearing into ashes I feel the last of my energy drain away and I pass out again. Clear out into just blackness. When I finally awaken again it’s like several days later and my group has been carrying me ever since they all escaped because of what I did to the guard. We’re in some city, felt like London, and we’re trying to blend in with tourists. They explained what happened and that we’re on our way to some place where we’ll be safe and can start a new life.

AI generated interpretation This dream suggests that you are trying to escape from a difficult or oppressive situation. The 'toxic rats' symbolize a powerful force that is standing in your way and trying to keep you from achieving your goal. The blue flames represent your strength and power, and the fact that you were able to overcome the rats and protect your group shows that you are resilient and have the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. The fact that you pass out after using your strength also suggests that you need to be mindful of your own limitations and not overextend yourself. The ending of the dream with you being carried by your group suggests that you have the support of those around you to help you succeed and reach your goals.