Date: 3/29/2019
By Fitful
At first I'm often at this gas station. The trust time it's an accident but I see something and I keep going back. I end up there with no pants and the police might be getting suspicious. I find some pants and I feel different, like a different person in them. I feel like a coybow actually and I'm definitely not that, a city boy through and through. But the new pants change me. I find a thrift store owned by this crazy lady who ends up passing away or going away or somehow I end up with her shop. I'm a girl now, I think, and it's now my shop. It makes a lot of money, and I supposed to trust the right clothes make it to the shop. We don't purchase we receive. I think I even cast a spell to attract more clothes to us. There is a ship girl who works for me so I'm not always at the shop. And a feeling this is my life's work finding clothes for this thrift shop. I am extremely fulfilled. ~ There is a blonde who sleeps around and doesn't work very hard at anything and a purple and black and white office, very pretentious. Someone orders a new chair for her, since she dressed like a slob and sits like one too. This chair folds to form a comfy bean timyoe chair and a mirror and a desk. It's low and has places where it's transparent so it matched the decor by showing the floor or wall pattern through it. ~ I am often on the street, driving or walking and sitting at bus stops. I look for clothes, constantly. It's my life, it's important. ~ I have a dinner with guests all at a low dining table. It's long like a regular dining table but low so everyone is seated on their knees. I'm dealing with a ball of fluff I picked up, a homeless thing on the street or maybe it was near the gas station. I thought it was a puppy, a poodle but every time it gets away from me it's a kitten or something else. It goes for meat dishes, which not everyone has, and seems to like mushroom and shrimp rissoto. I have to keep getting it back.