Date: 10/7/2016
By Carolina
for the past few nights i can't remember most of my dreams but woke up often with the feeling that the dreams were very disturbing and unusual. last night i remember that there were various groups of us going to different stations. people seemed very out of it and difficult to communicate with. i remember everyone sweating and laying on the floor. they were greasy around the mouth. two of the women said to the leader that the lemonade was effecting them. i could see that their eyes and throats were glowing yellow. i couldn't tell if i wanted any. sometimes i would go to the wrong station or be late to meeting up with my group. often we jogged in nature to get between stations. i felt it was uncomfortable because i was wearing business attire with heels. in between one of the stations was a maze area. r kept pulling me in and kissing me. i wanted to kiss him but his mouth was greasy and he seemed drunk on the lemonade. i also didn't want anyone to see is kissing. when m or other people walked in and saw us kissing i yelled "get off of me!" and pushed him away.