Swim Team

Date: 3/16/2020

By irateindian

I joined a swim team for some reason, and coach wad my coworker Slav. Additionally, I had a girlfriend in this dream and she was already on the team when I joined. I was pretty nervous so I kept asking her questions about what to do and she kept holding my hand and telling me to just follow her lead and I'd figure it out eventually. For warm-ups, Slav told us we were going to do 14 laps and the gf groaned, and I started to get worried because I thought he said 14 miles. The gf told me he said laps but it was still a lot regardless. We went in groups of two so me and the gf were together, but when we went to start the laps it turned out that the "swimming pool" was just my parents house flooded with about 2 feet of water so we just crawled along the floor and went around 14 times. That was when I realized that I didn't actually have a gf, causing me to realize it was a dream and wake up immediately