Zombies and video games

Date: 4/11/2022

By Juliaaramini

It starts out with me waking up to my upstairs neighbors being super loud. Me and my roommates wondered what the hell was going on with them, as this was louder than normal. We all started getting ready for this day party that was happening, and continued to wonder what the noise upstairs was. When we finally opened our front door, we saw zombies everywhere and looked up and saw our neighbors had been turned into zombies. I’m in a pretty densely packed college town so I realized it would be safer to get out of there. Me and my roommates started navigating to the edge of our neighborhood. Then, suddenly (as dreams do) everything switched to be dark and grey and creepy. The perspective switched from first person POV to third person. Suddenly I was Phineas from Phineas and ferb. There was still a zombie apocalypse but my brain decided to make it a cartoon ig. Doof and perry the platypus were there, and we were trying to get back to his building. Ferb was taken by zombies and I freaked out bc that was my brother and doof dragged me away saying there was no time, that we could only save him my curing them (he was working on a cure). We get back to his building to find it’s been overrun with zombies. We start fighting them, and one of them gets me and I die. It fades to black and then fades back in to a title screen. It’s an abandoned park in an almost black and white filter and everything looks destroyed, and you can hear the sounds of wind and faint screaming, and every so often a paper blows by. Something in the way by nirvana is playing. It was a video game the whole time. Then, I woke up with sleep paralysis and didn’t see anything but I heard this crackling static from the title screen that went away when I could move.