Date: 8/31/2017
By whatdoesthismean
Had this dream I was an elite soldier where I was trying to take down this super organisation of elite woman soldiers who had turned the weans and my wife against me. It starts in a navy base and there's a small shootout, I manage to escape and get back to my family but they don't want to see me, my wife is now shagging Sam from Lord of the Rings and it is very sad. With the help of a sidekick who I can't remember I try to infiltrate this big house where the organisation are based, I sneak in the back window and take out a few targets. I'm then left to face the strongest soldier who is actually Queen Latifah. It is a struggle but I finally kill her and in her dying breath I realise she was a gdcunt and it is the really the old old woman who I thought was prisoner who has been masterminding and brainwashing them all. I go down the stairs to get extracted but suddenly realise I have had this dream a couple of times before and instead of getting in the front seat I open the back seat which has tinted windows and find the old woman holding my pensioner parents ransom at gun point with the help of an Asian nail technician. I shoot the Asian nail technician and rag doll the old woman out the car. We drive off but there's a crash and my mum and dad die. My side kick and I commandeer a new motor and are trying to get back to our lair to formalise a new plan. In the drive home we are pursued by the old lady and it starts getting mental, my sidekick turns into Ryan Reynolds and can drive like fuck n is pulling off mental manoeuvres until finally the car is wrecked, we get a new car, potentially a corvette which we nearly drive into the ocean when it goes on a barge. When we end up on the barge a horse with the face of Russell Crowe pushes us off into the sea and we are fucked. When horse Russell Crowe realises who I am and that I'm trying to get back to my family he starts crying and says he is trying to get back to his son and he reels us back, I then roll around hugging horse Russell Crowe before galloping off on him and cutting the old pensioner woman in half. The dream flashforwards to a ceremony and I am a hero and have saved everyone then the presenter of the ceremony brings out my wife and kids. It's been 15 years and they all don't love me anymore but the two kids go to Harvard and grow amazing hyacinths like 6ft hyacinths. And my wife is now married to Samwise from Lord of the Rings.