Date: 12/12/2019

By trueprinci

i dreamt 2 nights ago that brian david gilbert's (from polygon) upper body was just fucking shredded, his waist was snatched, and his thighs were huge and powerful. note that i did watch his sims 4 unraveled before bed in which Simulated Brian did look like that. but my dream imagined Real Brian to be fucking ripped and his clothes were literally ripped too. he was covered in weird red marks, kind of like how sam in death stranding has a bunch of handprints on him? weirdest of all is that there were a bunch of small rectangular marks on his forearm that were apparently from all the gum he chewed that month, they were like the size of chiclets but more rectangular. these were the impressions of gum and not the gum itself, and were apparently on his right forearm because he sleeps with his head on that arm ??????