
Date: 3/29/2017

By abnormal

I'm at this vine editor's house (her name is Ella) and we're hanging out in my sister's room, again, along with her younger sister and some young friends. Her desk is where my sister's underwear drawer is and her laptop is placed on top. I look through her books and CDs, wanting to borrow one; they all look super interesting! I pull out a CD and ask what it is; she says it's a multi-sexy edit sent to her by a vine editor so I told her we should watch it and asked her if she was fine with her sister being there while we did it. She said "no" and politely told her sister to leave. Her iTunes tab opens and there are two synced mixtapes, sent to her by her friends. The music is old and when I see a song that I like, I tell her how much I like it and how she should send me that mixtape. I offer to leave my number and she says "yeah" but doesn't give me anything to write it down on; I'm not bothered. Young boys are riding their bikes to school on the train railway; it seems like we're in the late 80's, one coming all the way from Seattle and the rest from New York. The kid from Seattle pauses and holds his bird peak to a sort-of carriage and says that Gimmy Berners, a famous person, I assume, could eat from it and he'll have his DNA!