Chopping trees

Date: 8/10/2021

By Caophi

Watching a fight in a bar at night, Madrazzo vs Verde. Verde was 4th and final opponent in a series. Madrazzo won. The brother of Madrazzo was in the bar I was at. Scene shifts to a pizza shop. I went to the bathroom, going through the kitchen. I get to the front of the store and the front door is a drop off from a sky scraper about 30 floors up. Somehow I knew I was dreaming and decided to jump off. Landed like a super hero. Started trying to conjure lightning from my palms, only managed to shoot small lightning balls. Then I tried to conjure fire, couldn’t manage any flames. Then tried to manipulate my surroundings. I see some trees in the background by the building I just jumped out of. They were snow covered. I wave my hands at them in a cutting motion and started cutting branches off the trees. I cut a bunch of branches off and they landed on people. Two dream characters did not like what I was doing and confronted me about it. I told them I didn’t care, they couldn’t do anything to me. One guy threatened to shoot me I grabbed him by the face and told him do it then. Knowing I’d be able to stop the bullet. They backed out. We started talking about the dreamscape and me being lucid. I said something about being bored. He said if you’re bored you must be really good at this. I thought that was a cool observation. Then woke up