The Parade and Hell’s Hotel

Date: 6/15/2018

By savamey

-I’m at a parade. I watch the autism awareness group go by in the parade, and the people in it are sticking their fingers into people’s buttcracks as some sort of joke. People are appalled, including me. After the parade, I suggest to the leader of the group that maybe they say a disclaimer to people about the buttcrack thing next time so that impressionable children don’t think it’s okay to just stick their fingers into people’s buttcracks -After the parade, my mom takes to me to a weird Walmart, that’s basically several Walmarts stitched into one, with each category, like food or clothing, getting its own Walmart. We go into the cosmetics Walmart, which has an entire wall of eyeshadow and an entire section dedicated to eyeglasses. My mom tries some facial cleanser brush thing -After Walmart, I am taken away by the government because I have the power to fly. They put me in a cell in some type of mental institution, but I scream and act badly in there. I joke to the purple-haired woman in the cell next to mine that she must be used to this type of thing. I then manage to escape and I fly into the sky, just above a Southwest airplane that’s taking off. I barely manage to avoid hitting it, before flying at warp speed home, but I overshoot it and end up in a neighborhood deep in the countryside, near a mountain range. The countryside is very pretty -I then go on a school field trip. We’re on a school bus for hours on the highway, at night. I have to sit next to Señora S, who is our chaperone. I’m initially unhappy about this but then I chat with her and it’s not that bad. Eventually, we stop for the night in a hotel. I share a room with other girls, including Naomi. It’s alright, except for the fact that my bed has spikes in it. In the morning, we hit the road again until we reach the next hotel -In this hotel, Naomi and I have established that we will be roommates. We scout the floors of the hotel, looking for a suitable room for us to stay in. We find one, and I think Lauren joins us. While in the room, I play Animal Crossing. Señora S is in Animal Crossing as her human self, however, and she seems to be trying to establish an art club in the town. The game and the hotel mash together, and suddenly a bunch of students are in a hotel room while Señora gives us papers with the details of the art club on it. Naomi, Lauren, and I then decorate our room with paintings and posters acquired from the art club. We seem to be staying at that hotel a long time -I’m right: we are staying at the hotel for a long time. At night, we all go outside the hotel to play a giant weird board game with rules I don’t understand. Naomi and I just watch, though. Now, we are living in a dystopian settlement in the hotel where no one’s allowed to leave the hotel and people are randomly selected to die daily. I ignore the “don’t leave” rule and I live in the countryside behind the hotel for a day or two. The countryside resembles my elementary school’s playground somehow. Outside, I wear two socks on each foot: one foot with beige socks, the other with pink. I sleep in a tree by a wooden farm fence, and in the morning, I find that my socks have somehow been stabbed through the fence, which is now part-wooden part-chainlink. I am sad now because I loved my socks and they now have holes. In the countryside, I find a huge abandoned warehouse/barn, and in it, a destroyed secret project of someone’s that if built, could take down the hotel’s society. I work on and investigate the project in the warehouse, scared of both the dark and scary warehouse and of the hotel finding me -I go back to the hotel, where I find that Naomi has a scheduled appointment to die that afternoon at 3:45 PM. I go to the death office with her, both of us terrified. We watch as a lady kills a little girl with the 3:40 appointment by inserting her with a syringe of poison in her neck. It’s now Naomi’s turn, and I tell the lady that I’m just there to be with Naomi in her final moments, not to be killed. She inserts the poison into Naomi, and miraculously, Naomi doesn’t die. It’s a rare case that someone survives the poison. The lady just makes her another death appointment for the next day, though. -I go back to the warehouse and I work on the project some more. I then go back to the death office, where I watch another little girl die. The lady doing the killing, however, reveals to me that she’s not actually killing people, she’s just putting them into a death-like state. I think I have the death cure from the warehouse, so I give it to the girl and she awakens. The girl’s dad thanks me. For some reason, there’s purple fruit nearby -Once again, I go to the warehouse but this time, I know how to destroy the hotel’s evil-doing. I do a weird magic ritual thing featuring some weird cubes of something and a garden gnome. As I put the garden gnome into its proper place, the green death goblin that’s behind all the hotel’s evil appears and crawls on the warehouse’s windows, trying to get in. But then a garden gnome of death appears and kills the goblin. Everyone in the hotel is now free and everyone wakes up from their death. Everyone wanders outside into the countryside, where it’s colorful and beautiful. I learn that this is somehow a prequel to The Incredibles