crazy gun murderer

Date: 2/16/2020

By boogigi

I was in a college campus with my sister, and we went to the orientation and a guy was introducing himself to the newcomers. his name was Ryan. my sister and i walked around campus, and she was going to the student health department to get an abortion. she was really scared and i was trying to calm her nerves. she got ready with the lady doing the procedure and my mom told me to go back to the house because she'd take care of her while it was happening. later, I went to the cafeteria to talk to a couple of my friends about how I was feeling, and one of them left to go to the bathroom and when she came back, a random girl came up to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. so I knew she hadn't kept my secret, and apparently the news of my sister having an abortion spread like wildfire. i looked up from the seat I was sitting in and there was Ryan: standing about 40 feet away with a small grin on his face. I tried to look friendly and waved at him, but the smile on his face didn't seem out of happiness. I walked in the other direction to my house, and sat at my window in my room on my phone. all of a sudden, 3 darts flew into my house by a dart gun. on hit me in the right shoulder and before I scurried away I looked down and it was Ryan, with a dart gun about to fire more. I closed the window and ran to my parents closet and called my sister. as it was ringing i looked at Ryan's snapchat story and on his story it said "no ones safe. don't call the police" by this time she was out of the abortion procedure and was talking over FaceTime like "dude it wasn't even that bad I don't know why I stressed about it so much" through bits of laughter and sighs of relief. it was laggy and me saying "there's a shooter at the house" didn't get through to the other side. I hung up and called my mom but she didn't answer, and I peeked outside the closet because I heard a voice. ryan had gotten into my house and was talking through a wallow talkie to someone and said "dude i've had my eyes on the target for like 20 seconds". through a grin. this time he was holding a real gun: a big one. I hid behind the clothes hanging up and tried to call 911 but the dispatcher couldn't hear my voice because I was whispering. i noticed the window next to me, and thought maybe if i was quiet enough he wouldn't hear me slip out. in this moment I was debating whether to just surrender myself and let him kill me or keep fighting. slowly, I slipped up the window and hopped through and let go, about to hit the ground. as I hit the ground, I woke up.