Keeping Dogs

Date: 4/23/2018

By itsliz

The dream is slipping from my mind but what I do remember is that somehow my dad had 2 puppies and was living in a house that I think was like my old friend Kacie's house. We were hanging by the screen door and the screen door was there but the glass door was open. SOMEHOW a squirrel climbs up to the handle and pushes on the door frame enough to crack open the screen door. I try to close it but 2 squirrels come in and I'm trying to get rid of them and another baby squirrel comes in. I don't want to touch them in case they bite so I magically have gloves and somehow manage to get them out. I take a puppy for a walk, a Bassett hound, back to my house (feels like it was 15 years ago, weirdly enough). I'm a little nervous since the leash I got from my dad is loose and doesn't tighten. I get to the house. My room is filled with stuff! My mom thought I would live with my dad. I'm upset but ignore it since I just want to sleep. I love some stuff off my bed and go to sleep with the dog. When I wake up the dog is gone but I go upstairs and lay on my mom's bed to ask where the dog went and she says she thinks she heard my dad come in last night and go to my room. She asks if I heard anything. I say no and I'm not happy. I go to my brother's room and lay with him on his bed and after talking about nothing in particular, a pile of clothes moves in the back right corner and it's the puppy!