Stuck Bus

Date: 9/28/2019

By stombell

I was driving back from somewhere and we were a couple hours away. Before we left, we were in a cafeteria and was already humgry but we weren't taking the time to eat so I grabbed a muffin top but it wasn't good so I spit it out and then through it away. It was me and 2 of my kids (who were real little) and an adult who I think was male. We were in MN or MI because the roads were icey and slick. I remembered, in the dream, that I had a dream the night before about driving somewhere where it was snowy. In fact, I started sliding on the roads, doing continual 360's but was never out of control. And I was in a newer car so I was concerned about damaging it but I continued to turn into the spin and was fine. We stopped in a parking lot, switched vehicles, and continued on. We were now in a larger van and the other adult was Rickey. He took off without me (even though he wasn't in the driver's seat) and I had to run to catch up to him. He thought it was funny but I was mad at him. I finally got in and it was now a large chartered bus. I pulled up to an intersection and practically had to stand on the brakes to get it to stop. It was very scary. A Greyhound bus pulled up beside me and it was the same for that driver, a woman. We were both nervous and the road we had to go on was very steep down. I let the driver go first and we eventually found ourselves in a big building, driving down stairs and then back up stairs. The bus was very light and bouncy and had no trouble navigating this. But then we got to the top of the stairs and I crashed through a small wall and couldn't go any further. The other bus somehow managed to keep going but I couldn't tell where it went so we were stuck. Everyone got out and it was obvious we were in a university setting. I decided to find someone and I was going to introduce myself as Dr. Everyone was teaching or occupied. I finally found a woman with a British accent who was working at a snack bar in the middle of this common area--it looked like an info desk--who could help but she was getting ready to serve breakfast to a bunch of students, even though it was lunchtime. So I wandered around until I found a table with several people sitting at it and saw one person wearing a hat who had a disease that looked like his skin was made of Rice Krispies. I kind thought my description of this guy was funny and wanted to tell someone but then remembered my oldest daughter wouldn't like that because we shouldn't body-shame each other, so I didn't. The female worker was there, offering to bring this guy food, some of which was a Rice Krispy treat. The portion she offered was very small and he wanted more. He couldn't talk so the entire conversation was pantomimed. So there were two guys from the bus with me and one of them communicated with the woman--still through pantomime--that 7 of our folks wanted the Rice Krispy treats and that we would give our portions to the guy with the disease. The woman agreed and then the three of us celebrated with each other by shaking hands and arms and touching each other in thanks, all still in silence.