Date: 4/7/2017
By CeceCactus
It is Christmas time. My mother, sister, grandmother, and I all live in the same house. I don’t see my sister at all in the dream. I am talking to my grandma in her room and Mom comes in. All of a sudden my grandma pulls out this tiny hat out of nowhere. It is a little, green, elf hat. It is smaller than a playing card. Grandma is holding it and then Mom gets emotional. Apparently the hat belonged to a dog we “once had.” (We have never had this dog, in reality.) Mom goes, “Ohhhh, that was ChiChi’s!!” and starts crying and then I start crying. Then we are all yelling, “Oh ChiChi!” Grandma takes the little hat and puts it on her left ear. It fits perfectly. She looks at me and says, “How does it look?” I say, “It looks nice.”