Date: 9/15/2018
Walking out of class... we’ll him N. N runs up to me “Hey ########” I turn around and look at him “what?” I ask “I’ve been meaning to ask you wanna go out with me?” He asked I rolled my eyes and was about to say no but he said “think about, bye babe!” And winked and walked away. Next day I walk up to him and his lady friends. “Hey N can I talk to you?” I ask “sure” he said and stood there “alone?” I added “oh right” he said we took like 5 steps away from his lady friends. “Well do you want me to tell them too? Or are they gonna leave?” I said sounding like a bitch. “Just say it “ He said “okay then, sorry but no I don’t really want to” I said. His face got red and I was trying to distinguish wether it was anger or embarrassment. He started to cry. But not like a tantrum or sobbing not even close! Just tears a lot of them, but no noise or expressions, I have no idea how though but that’s not important anyway. I put my hand on his chest and slide it down to his arm and slowly to his hand and then intertwining our fingers “Oh no don’t cry!” I said feeling guilty “######## I really like you” He through sniffles. So pause for a moment. I have this bad habit where I try to make people happy unless they ask for too much of me, so usually it’s really hard to say no, so now knowing that, I’m sure you can predict what is gonna happen next. Play. So then I looked him in the yes and said gently “I’m was kidding of course I wanna go out with you” i smiles at him and he hugged me I wrinkled my face and hugged back. Out of nowhere I’m in a date with him and I say “okay I’m going to go to the bathroom” “Alright” I went to the bathroom and though - maybe I can pull off one of those movie things where I leave through the window- turns out these bathrooms don’t have windows so I walk out kind of disappointed but then I see N’s fave when he see’s me. It lights up, and a smile appears. I’m not gonna lie that’s hot. So then after this I wake up and I’m sleeping next to him WITH CLOTHES ON YOU LITTLE NASTY’S And he turns around and says “good morning wife” so basically I lived my life in a dream, but with the person who pisses me off so damn much. Welp hope you enjoys my Wacky dream.