
Date: 5/29/2022

By brinkery

I was in my high school building and was in the body of Tarantula from the Bad Guys movie, but I looked more like a tiny human or a fairy instead. I could shoot out webs and swing from silk to silk with them like Spiderman. I was called Webs rather than Tarantula. Of course as usual, my school looked a little different than it actually does, but my dream actually got the looks pretty close. Gi-hun from Squid Game, for whatever reason, was the principal of my school. Mr. Wolf from the Bad Guys movie was also a part of the staff team. It was dark outside and it was just the three of us in the building. They were trying to catch me, but I was too slick for them. At one point, as I was being chased by Wolf up the stairs near the exit, I told him that this wasn’t him. I asked him to think about our other friends, Shark, Piranha, and especially Snake, and what they really were to him. I told him there was no way he preferred working a minimum wage job at a gross high school over robbing a bank with his best buddies. I was a little distracted as I was telling him this, and he actually caught me in his hands. I was able to break free after a little struggling and flew away after shooting out a web and swinging away. There was a part in the dream where all these teachers were lined up against the walls upstairs and downstairs. Gi-hun and Wolf were still on my tail. While I was gliding through the silk on the second floor, I glanced down and saw my math teacher from seventh grade. I’m not surprised she was in my dream because I was looking at her page on Facebook last night. I was really proud of her being in the assembly because she deserves all the recognition she can get. This was around the time when I woke up at six in the morning and got up to get some water. I went back to sleep shortly afterwards and had another dream. I can’t remember too much about this dream, but my dad, brother, and I were at a school fair. The school was a mixture between a house and an elementary school, and it was seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Behind it was a small fair, complete with amusement park rides, food booths, and attractions. We were there for a very long time, to the point where the other attractions started disappearing one by one. There was a small hill and a forest behind it behind us. Eventually, the only attraction that was left was this small building. The main room had full-length glass windows. Inside, an asian woman sat behind a glass desk and a few black leather seats were in front of it. In the next room behind us was an asian man, presumably her husband, in the kitchen making food. I think it was a fortune telling place. We were there for a while. I got bored and laid down on a loveseat to doze off. These kids who ride the same home bus as me walked in. I thought I saw this little girl who always sat next to me, but she wasn’t in the crowd. There was another girl I recognized. They left within a few minutes later, though. I forgot to mention that before we went inside the fortune telling building, I randomly discovered flying. If I bent my arm like a chicken and flapped them, I could float off the ground. It was hard to keep my aim because every time I tried, it wouldn’t be long before I crashed into the ground. It was time to go. My dad leaned over the desk and brushed his hand through the woman’s ponytail. She didn’t say anything, but she was visibly uncomfortable. I was really uncomfortable with it, and I knew I was going to have a talk with him about it later.