Car Crash Coverup

Date: 9/9/2019

By Lostmysamity

I don’t even remember who the driver was, but I was in the backseat with my sister (who left over a year ago and hasn’t spoken to my family since, it’s been difficult to image her out of pure pain, but I was glad to see her and touch her for a moment) and the driver was what I believe to be drunk and an overall idiot because he ran through a red light and smashed through about three cars. It was a mess, people 100% died, I think the driver died too or he was pretty close to it. For some reason my sister and I thought we were going to be blamed, so we crawled under the seats as best as we could and draped a blanket over the seat. But the police came and knew right where Jess was so they snatched her back up pretty quick. They didn’t find me, I ended up getting out myself after they brought the car to the station. And acted like I had shown up from a call. I came in and saw my sister being interrogated through a little window on a door before being guided into the room next to it. I remember being really fearful for my reputation, so I felt like I needed to lie about being in the car. And so I did, saying I got the call and I really want to see if my sister is okay from the crash but they wouldn’t let me for a long time at first. After a bit of saying I didn’t know what happened and persisting that I wanted to check on my sisters well being, they finally allowed us into a break room. It still had a camera in the corner so we had to be careful. So I just drew a little hand saying to shush on my wrist and flashed it to her long enough to make sure she saw, and nodded before wiping it off and getting something to eat. We went back into the separate rooms and right off the bat, the interrogators immediately said: “look we know you were there” I kept denying and denying, so they told me: “You’re sister says you were right next to her.” My gut did that anchor thing and I felt like I needed to pee before suddenly waking up. I did need to pee, and my mom was watching a murder show about a coverup quite loudly and I have no door to block out noise so I think that’s what made this happen. And oddly enough, I think I fully understand what this dream is about.