don't bother trying to decipher this

Date: 8/4/2021

By kceisbrenner

i was ice skating(??) around this building? idek but the halls were super thin and there were all these tiny cramped rooms branching off, i don't remember what i was even doing for most of it i just remember a few parts: at some point i found abbys phone and was skating around the halls urgently trying to find her to give it back so i called her from my phone and skated through the rooms waiting to hear it ring which somehow worked even though i was trying to find her for the purpose of returning her phone. i found her and gave it back then left idk. then i was at this weird bar thing with thomas and micah and timmy macknackj(??) and some other ppl i knew but didn't really like, and andrew was there and at one point thomas and i saw the back of my dads head and we both and andrew said "Father!!!" and laughed and then he turned around and he was uncle andy? and me and andrew both said "hi uncle andy" in the same tone and then they asked if i found abby to give her her phone and i said yes and then aunt linda was there for some reason. then i was talking to thomas at the bar and he said that it was his birthday tomorrow so i was trying to cover for the fact that i didn't know and didn't get him anything lol. also at some point i lost MY phone and was skating around this store thing that looked like a costco sized meijer and going through all the aisles and stuff and jazz and paulina were there?? and i found it in that one aisle we were in earlier but idek what was in there. it was like old electronic stuff that you see in thrift dump stores that are obviously electronics but you have no fking idea what they do?? i think after this?? we were all frantically trying to find natalie and i found her in this glass cube in the mall. she got out and we were running away from her mom, first through the mall, then through that same weird house thing from earlier, then at cottage (on the road, through our front yard, into the water, around the boat, onto byarski beach to avoid the GIANT seagull swooping towards us, back to the road up until coles yard, then cut through coles yard,, then the dream went to this weird third person birds eye view and i could see us on the ground. we were moving impossibly fast but her mom was somehow keeping up w us. then we were flying through the air on a bike?? and then her mom was a GIANT mermaid(???) and then idk but i remember we defeated her somehow then we regrouped and we were trying to hide someone that i think used to be natalie but wasn't anymore,, i think it was either micah or he was just there. i offered to hide them in my dorm that i had in a completely different dream lol,, bc we didn't really know each other so they wouldn't look for them there. then after this it became a completely different dream lol