The Underground School— scary?

Date: 4/5/2019

By baburubān

This is a dream I had while taking a nap I’m in the theater and it’s kinda like Senior night— celebrating all the seniors but everyone’s there. I’m making a list of what kind of pizza everyone wants as it’s my job to get the pizza and deliver it back. We all migrate outside into a field area just outside the theater— T4 is a little ways away situated on the field and I guess they now sell pizza? In between that and the theater is this clear classroom box thing. It’s night time. Trying to ask every single person what they want is extremely difficult as I have to persuade them to hurry up, my phone’s dying, there’s tons of people, I have to get all the seniors first, AND I have to write each person’s name down with the pizza slice. Awesome. I get a few slices down, but the drama seniors are extremely difficult to rally as they just. Keep. Talking. It starts to rain and everyone rushes inside the clear box classroom, but it’s too small and people are smushed against the walls. I think that there’s more space in the theater, if only I had a way to get in. I circle around back the theater, where Mr. Hensley keeps his chickens of course. I jump over the fence, avoid the maze of wire, and I jump into this metal caged attached to the side of the building. Underneath the hay there’s a hatch. At the time I knew exactly where it lead to. And I knew that I was never supposed to go there. But it’s chaos among the students and if I’m just down there for a second Mr. Hensley won’t care, right? I lift the door, and there’s a staircase covered in lime green tight knit carpet. It was bright. I go down and close the hatch behind me. The walls are cream, and at the bottom of the stairs rests a hall. I take a right, somehow knowing where to go despite having never been there before. It’s a short walk before I take another right, and on the far right side of the wall is the bathrooms. The men’s door is open. As I’m running by I see Mr. Hensley hold up claws and imitate a bear, not in the mirror, but into an open stall. I keep running until I reach another cramped staircase at the end of the hall, poorly lit but at the top there’s a latch. I climb up the stairs, and when I open the latch I’m stage left, facing the empty chairs. Mr. Hensley’s waiting at the top. He starts screaming at me to never go down there, and he pulls me towards his desk area. These girls next to me are short and wearing weird mushroom hats. They ask me to play a part in their mini show, and I agree. My simple task is to sit there and keep a beat, but I am terrible at that. Mr. Hensley’s enthusiastically watching the show but I’m focused on other things. Mr. Cautero walks down the stairs, eyes me, and leaves. Mr. Hensley whispers that Mr. C used to be a student of his. Which is odd, considering Mr. C is like 40-50 years old. The mushroom girl is illuminated in blue, excitedly telling a grand but scary story. After the mini show Mr. H invites everyone back inside, finally. He has us all in the main set of chairs, and he gives us all a stern look. He’s standing with his hands behind his back, and he starts talking about the school under us— built because of earthquakes/over population about 5-10 years ago. However, we discontinued using the underground school as a few students reportedly went missing, went crazy, or straight up died. The bodies were never moved, and Mr. H knows exactly where they are. In fact, he knows how and why they died too. But he won’t tell us. He also knows the entire layout of the underground school. He tells us to never go down there. We’re dismissed, and I go up to him and ask about what I saw down there— him imitating a bear. He says when you’re down there you always have to remind yourself of your fears. That’s all he said. And in such a quick, blunt matter that didn’t even resemble a lie until much later. At the time I found it humorous that he was afraid of bears, as he himself resembles one. Fun fact about me, I love scary/abandoned places. I also love mysteries, and I especially love trespassing. So when he told the class to never go down there, that only made me want to go more. What happened to the children? Why won’t he tell us? Why does he know, of all people? Why weren’t their bodies removed? I don’t remember going back down there, but I remember being there. It was shaped like the lounge area, half-circle stairs, no vip-lounge but the hall to the right remained after the main area. The walls were cream and the carpet lime green. If Nate(6’9) were standing in the room his head would touch the ceiling. In the main room it was weirdly empty, no doors, just cream and green. While climbing down the stairs with every step I noticed an increasing buzzing feeling, in my mind, lungs, ears, appendages, everything. My eyesight, however, was clear as day. I start walking over to the hall on the right, which was weirdly dimly lit compared to all the other rooms I’ve seen with bright florescent light. I walked to the end of the hall first, and right next to each other there were two children’s classrooms. They looked like kindergarten/daycare rooms, and they were exactly identical in every way. They were brightly lit, both blue doors just slightly open. I walk back towards the stairs, and next to the classrooms were two office rooms, small and the only light shining from the room was coming from the working monitors, which cast a faint blue light on the floor in each room. Both grey doors were closed, and in the room to the left (closest to the stairs) I noticed something on the floor. I looked from the monitor back to the floor again, following the light in hopes that I can decipher what it was. Hair. The door to the right opened slightly, and just the creak of the door sent me bolting back up the stairs. I ran straight down the hall and quickly took a left, and in the right of the hall in a classroom I saw Mia and Owen in the corner of the room, holding each other close. There was someone else in the room but I couldn’t make out who it was. I wanted to scream for help, or to tell them to run, or something. But I couldn’t muster up a word, as I knew that there was something wrong with them. I kept running, the buzzing so loud it was difficult to breathe. I took a right and this hallway was sloped making it harder to run. The carpet turned into a pale blue. The more I ran the more kids I saw walking around. Some I recognized some I didn’t. None of them seemed to notice me, and I knew I shouldn’t try and speak to them. My body felt weak and I turned another right, and I fell to Mr. Hensley’s feet gasping for air. He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me onto my feet, as if to force me to stay awake. He walked with me towards what looks like a janitor’s closet but on the inside is a ladder. He starts climbing the ladder holding onto me behind him, barely able to muster up the strength to hold onto one of the bars. He opens a square door at the top and forces me through it, and now in the theater at the top of the stairs I finally feel as though I can breath. Tech comes flocking towards us, curious as to what’s going on. The first person I see is Mia with a look of concern. Nate bends down and with weak eyes I can make out that he’s asking me if I’m ok. That’s when I wake up.