Date: 4/21/2017
By bails22
Day of my last final of university which is also for my hardest test. I dreamed I was in french class (which is my usual friday class) even though classes finised like a week ago. Normal French class. Met some Asian guy (who is not in my class) and walked talking to him to the CompSci building attached to business. I found some bar on campus and used a fancy entrance in it to leave with the permission of the bodyguard. I went home and immediately rushed to leave yelling that I'd be late for my exam (since it was in less than half an hour). I ended up wandering by Whyte somehow trying to find a pogo or cab when this 40ish year old man flagged me down as he was unloading at a hotel and said to go for a ride on his buddy's scooter. The scooter was basically just a small metal frame mixed with argo - really tiny but really comfortable seats. They drove me to Van Vliet since I said I had an exam in like ten minutes. I rushed into the main gym only to be told by the arbitrator that I couldn't go into the exam cause it was too late (it was about 5 after but I didn't really know that). So I went upstairs, found Andrea and started losing it. I realized it was only 315 and there was no way Andrea would be done already so I went to try to get into the exam again. There was another arbitrator, this time an old man who was named Brian Fauteux (like one of my profs but he's extremely hot). I explained my confusion at how he wasn't my prof and he said he'd never heard of me, but took my info and gave me his so I could file an excuse with the dean's office saying I was denied entry into the exam before 30 minutes into it. I went to the shared open bathroom and grabbed a cloth to hold on my lap for more privacy only for some random girl to say she needed her apron back. Saw a couple other people like Nasra. Two of the campuses hottest guys were there and the one had just broken up with his girlfriend (he was like student president or captain of a team or something). He pulled me in and rubbed his hands all around saying he knew how to make me feel better and that he just wanted to have hot wild sex cause he was a bad boy. I agree to come over to his place that's right by campus. S.O. calls and says she's coming up and I should be ready to drink tonight. I said I could really use it since I'm going to be stuck in university forever. U's friend S also came over with her girlfriend. The hot guy's apartment was super nice, but empty of furniture since his ex had left. I started imagining where a queen or king bed would fit in the room. Hot guy came into bathroom, lifted me onto the counter, and we started having sex right when I woke up.