We are all Cattle, For the greater good.

Date: 9/28/2017

By dreamwalker

I don't remember to many details to this dream as it happened and I awoken from it at 2am. Basically I was somewhere in the United States, a small town, I'm in this huge barn factory trying to escape. Inside is this huge scientific genetic facility, outside looks like a normal cattle farm building. I'm trying to escape the building something is after me literally something it's not human. Humans don't own this place some work here but for them this man eating alien race genetically altering us to taste better. It was a conspiracy that's been covered up for years, all the world leaders were in on it but had no choice this alien race basically created man, plus with technology so advanced they would obliterate us all. There is a resistance though working in secret, I was one of them and some how was found out. I'm running through this factory taking in the horrors, all around I actually in one section saw what they called a "tasting" chopping off certain parts of us , awake but more comatose but in this state knowing everything that is going on around you but you can't move scream nothing. Then eating what ever limb or organ chopped and grading it. I don't remember very well what the alien creatures looked like I know we were model after them in a fashion but they were able to be bipedal and run extremely fast on all 4s. In which case the ones hunting me were getting extremely close. Then the dream flips and same story except religion has turned and worshipped them now and people volunteer to the aliens for all manner of horrific purposes, as there religious slogan is " it's for the greater good" .