
Date: 9/9/2021

By twilson37

Dreamed of Andy again He had a new girlfriend A kid really…she looked and acted very young…15? 16? (Side note…I never knew Andy to be involved with minors in real life) I knew they were meeting at a motel. I got there first. Waited for them. They come in. They don’t see me. Or they don’t acknowledge my presence. Not sure which. Andy fucks her in front of me. What a selfish prick. (He told me that he’s very selfish once in real life. When a man tells you something like that, you listen! He is telling you a hard unvarnished truth about himself. My husband once told me he was an asshole. Andy told me he was selfish. I should have listened, they were both right) Scene change…dinner party. I’m there, this girl is there his wife is there. Daneen is there, too. She’s an ex of Andy’s. I am talking to her. This relationship is so toxic, I need to get out. Scene change. Andy, the girl and me. Felt like we were at a grocery store. Andy is angry. Ushers us all into a small room. Reads me the riot act. How dare I show up unannounced. I have no right. At our last meeting I left him thinking I no longer cared. (We split up IRL over a year ago) I was no longer interested. He moved on. What he does is not my business. So He knew I was there in the room when he fucked that girl. The desk clerk told him they had let someone in the room to wait. Girl peaces out. Goes home for slumber party. Mom makes cocoa. I get the feeling this is all too much adult drama for the girl. She is embracing her childhood while she can. A bit of background I had an 8 year affair with Andy He is married and lives in Calgary He has been married for many years…like 35? His wife is cold and frigid where sex is concerned. She is also very religious. Thinks Andy should simply master his sexual impulses. Sex is unclean, dirty, ungodly. Andy began having affairs when he turned 50. After 25 years of marriage. Decided it was time for him to be happy. I was like #12 in that line. I suspect the man is a sex addict. I feel sorry for the wife really. My husband died. Andy was an amazingly useful distraction. As noted I split with Andy about a year ago. Now I’m finally processing hubby’s death. And the split up with Andy apparently.

AI generated interpretation This dream seems to highlight a complex mix of emotions, desires, and unresolved issues related to your past relationship with Andy. The presence of Andy in the dream may symbolize unresolved feelings or unfinished business with him. The fact that he is with a new, much younger girlfriend could represent a sense of betrayal or feeling replaced by him moving on to someone new. The scene of him having sex in front of you could symbolize feelings of powerlessness or being emotionally exposed in the relationship. The dream also touches on themes of guilt and boundaries. Andy's anger towards you in the dream for showing up unannounced may reflect feelings of guilt or shame about past decisions or actions in the relationship. Your desire to distance yourself from the toxic dynamics of the relationship, as symbolized by wanting to leave the dinner party, indicates a need for emotional closure and moving on from this past relationship. The presence of Daneen, Andy's ex, in the dream could represent a reflection of past relationship dynamics or patterns that may be repeating themselves in your life. It could also symbolize a need to confront or address unresolved issues with Andy's past relationships and how they have influenced your own experiences with him. Overall, this dream may be a manifestation of your subconscious processing and coming to terms with the complexities and emotional baggage of your past relationship with Andy. It may be a reflection of your inner conflict, unresolved emotions, and a desire to break free from the toxicity and drama that characterized the relationship. It may also signify a deeper need to heal, move on, and find closure in order to fully process the loss of your husband and the end of your relationship with Andy.