
Date: 4/14/2019

By maddieroberts

i had a dream that i was in a towel and i stole some water from a recycling bin in new york city and the owner saw me and so i sprinted and i was FAST but it morphed into the street corner near taco bell on the way to ov (my middle school) and i stopped to drink my water but then the owner saw me but the owner was lauren collison from the dulcineas (my school dance team) so i ran into johns handy mart (a store) which was below all the houses in my neighborhood for some reason and she was chasing me down the aisles and i had no clothes on except for a towel and then i told her i was homeless so i needed water and she just walked away but then i was stuck, naked, in johns handy mart. i ran into carp mukai and katelyn mueller (two very popular people) trying to get up to my house so i could grab clothes and steal more food because my mom kicked me out. but before lauren left she thought i was being abused and she said "is it because of the bruises all over?" and i looked down and had NO BRUISES. so.?