My cousin died and then came back and Ariana Grande surprises little boy singing a cover of Leave Me Lonely

Date: 9/8/2019

By pinkstar16121

It started out where I evidently had all these guy friends that I kept referring to them as, only one of which I know in real life; he went to my middle and high school and he's a year older than me. I haven't seen him since high school. We were at some graduation and I was hugging and getting pictures with all of them. There was a video of my interaction with the guy I know in real life. He happens to be gay. It kept playing on a loop. The way we went in for a hug, it looked like we kissed. I was embarrassed and kept explaining to people that we didn't actually kiss. I, then, was upset that my actual guy friend in real life was not there. I didn't get to see him at least, but then I did, and I ended up having to explain to him too that the guy I know and I didn't actually kiss. The next part of the dream I think definitely stemmed from the short film about suicide I had watched the day before because it was the same kind of scenario except it was my cousin. Unlike the girl in the film who really died though, my cousin somehow came back to life after being unresponsive for what must have been hours. I was sitting by her body with this little girl and we were eating these little candies that tasted like a cross between Tums and Sweet Tarts, and they were as tiny as birth control pills. They came in different colors; pink and purple are the colors I saw. We were playing this game to see who could eat the most or we were trying to eat them all before the other one could. We kept teasing each other, putting them in front of each other's faces only to pull them back and then pop them in our mouths. My cousin lay there unconscious. She looked actually like the girl from the film, but she was my cousin. I think someone was trying to feed her the candies, but she wouldn't respond. Then, after hours of her not responding, she suddenly opened her eyes and started chewing on a candy. I was so confused, and later on in the dream, I was trying to figure out how she came back to life. At that point it was almost like it wasn't her that I witnessed come back to life, but only my aunt was. As far as I was concerned, she was still dead, then the next thing I knew, she was back to life like nothing happened. I kept trying to ask how, but couldn't get a word in like usual every time I tried. Everyone was happy she was back, but soon it was like she hadn't even died. Right before she magically appeared, alive and healthy, my aunt was just talking about how they were just going to be redecorating her room (in the dream she still lived at home, but in real life she lives with her boyfriend in an apartment like a half hour from her childhood home). My aunt said they were going to decorate it anyway. Then, next thing I knew my cousin was there, alive. Fun fact: she actually did die when she was born. Also in the dream, I remember this house that had two entrance doors right next to each other and that were at this tiny tile floor landing with a mat on the floor. There was a stairway that led upstairs. I don't think I ever went up there. I remember a few other things too. First, there were these blue silk Cinderella dress-up dresses for little girls with Cinderella's face on the front. One of them looked straight forward to put on, but the other one, which someone was wearing who I'm pretty sure was the actual Cinderella, looked tight in the shoulder area. The straps were white and short and tightly hugged the shoulders. It looked complex to put on and uncomfortable. I got to see it off a body too and saw how short and hard to locate the straps were. Even though they were for little girls, I wanted to try one on. I anticipated since they were for little girls, that it would be hard to put on, but, surprisingly, it wasn't that complicated. It also wasn't as short on me as I'd thought it would be. It came to just above my knees and seemed to fit me fine, but then I was looking in my makeup mirror, and I saw that my right bare breast stuck out from the top, nipple and all. My bra wasn't fitting me right either apparently because I guess the tightness of the straps of the dress tugged on my bra straps making it not secure on me if that makes sense. I knew I had to hook my bra straps to make it more snug on me and I was trying to just test it out by holding the straps together behind my back. I was also trying to push the cup onto my exposed breast. Next part: I was at this weird amusement park that was inside that house with the two doorway entrance. I was lying on this mattress with my cousin who had died earlier and my mom was there. We were on this agility test/Pirate Ship ride. It swung back and forth like the Pirate Ship ride, and while it did, we had to army crawl to the opposite side and climb up this incline that was created by the bending of the mattress. Eventually we just rode though and stopped moving. I saw all kinds of fascinating things around me as I got butterflies from the motion of the ride. Particularly, I noticed these American flag umbrellas that I really liked. I actually do like American flag design things. I have a American flag bikini that I just had to have. For some reason my mom got mad at me that that was all I noticed like it wasn't important compared to everything else. I was suddenly standing next to this refrigerator in this dark small kitchen, and I said, "what do you want me to hate my country?" I also saw this orange cat wearing glasses in this bathroom that I pointed out to my sister who was suddenly there. I thought the cat was so cute. I found out the reason the cat was wearing glasses was because it was national glasses day or something. Another part I remember: I was in my dad's kitchen, staring up at the skylight. Rather than it being completely covered with the white sheet that it is in real life to catch the bugs that collect in it, it was just on the wall on either side of the window and I could see a soft blue dusk sky outside. It made me happy. Last part: took place in the amusement park house with the landing again. The amusement park had been right to the right in another room from the landing and now it was a stage where this kid was going to perform a cover of Leave Me Lonely by Ariana Grande. He was rehearsing right in the doorway of the next room where the stage was. Some guy was critiquing his singing, saying he shouldn't waver his voice so much on the opening long note. I think the guy was actually my inner thoughts about the kid's singing. I didn't actually see the guy I don't think. The kid went out on stage where he was joined by this group of kids. The boy had a Spanish guitar. He looked so happy as they performed. I more noticed that than the actual song, but I do remember it sounding different than the actual song, but thinking they sounded really good. Little did the boy know who was a big Ariana Grande fan, that she was going to come out on stage and surprise him. Apparently she was going to be conducting them rather than singing with them. She was backstage, and she wore a blond wig like she did in the Break Up with Your GF music video and there was this blue light that glowed on her. People backstage were preparing her conducting wand/stick, painting it blue over its black color. Then it turned into a giant paint brush, and they had poured this white paint on this giant pallet to make pink. Then, there was pink paint, and the bristles of the paint brush were lightly dipped in the pink paint. It looked pretty like dyed hair. Then suddenly Ari was just walking around, and we were in my kitchen now. She now just looked like this normal girl in normal clothes: capris and a T -shirt. She was barefoot and without a weave, her natural short hair in pigtail braids. I think I saw her face once and she wore very minimal makeup, if any. She didn't even look like herself, but I knew it was her and I got that feeling when she walked near me like I probably would if I ever got near her. I mostly saw the back of her head, her braids. Her hair looked highlighted. By now, the kids were done with their performance, and the adrenaline of the audience waiting for Ariana to come out died down because she wasn't coming, but then she finally did come out and the boy saw her and smiled. She hugged him from behind. Then told him "come on." She led him off stage and I found out what was taking her so long. She was looking in the room in my house where we keep old albums. "Lets find a Steven Tyler album," she said to him, for whatever reason. Her voice sounded a lot raspier than normal. She led him out into my record room. Then she was suddenly talking to my cousin who had died earlier. They were talking about Miley Cyrus music. Ari started rattling off names of songs she liked from her new album: Malibu, Slide Away, Mother's Daughter. She seemed to really like Mother's Daughter. Then, I woke up.