creepy video game

Date: 6/12/2018

By pretzeling

I dreamt about a visual novel type game. In the game, there was a young man sitting in a forest. He had a large frame and shaggy blonde hair. He seemed mild-mannered. Beside him was a skinny, catlike little black dragon with a skull for a head. The art was kind of pixel style. The dragon was evil and creepy and kept telling him how worthless he was, even encouraging him to hurt himself, but he seemed resigned to living with the dragon. Sometimes he (and the player) would have branching dialogue options with the dragon. I don’t remember most of them, but one of them stemmed from this question: “Other people have dragons too, you know. What would you do if you could see other people’s dragons?” The dragon was gleeful about something bad that was going to happen. The young man had to make a choice about where to go next. He could go into the city, to attend to his obligations at the castle, or he could abandon his obligations and stay in the forest. I chose to go into town. As he walked into the city, narration sprung up that said: Because of the choice you made, five thousand people will die tonight. I don’t know what happened next because I woke up after that. The dream left me with a strange, rare feeling that I only otherwise get from memories of turning on late night TV as a child and seeing a cartoon character die in a sad and disturbing way. That’s the only way I can explain the feeling.