Date: 12/14/2020
By safvy
I’m bi sexual and so in my dream which was very vivid— I was about to hook up with this girl in the bathroom. We were making out and then next thing you know We kind of grab each other by the arms and she starts telling me spiritual things about my soul/life.. I can’t quite remember what she was saying but I know I started seeing vividly into her life and my own! I had tunnel vision and it’s like everything was flashing before my eyes. In the background I started seeing spirit(s) as if I were tripping on DMT or a high dosage of shrooms. & I knew they were allowing me to have this feeling and this experience and in the moment I thought I was some sort of psychic or have some spiritual gift that I’m unsure of the potential In my waking life, I can see pretty clearly into events, and situations. I’d say I’m able to channel energy well but usually not intentionally and so I’m working on being in control ~ I can also hear spirit I think it’s called Clairaudient. I know I have some gifts I just have to figure out exactly what they are and how to use them in spirits favor and my own. This isn’t the first spiritual/psychic reading I had in my dreams and usually they are all telling me a significant message that I can’t seem to remember.. I wake up to a friend of mine sending me a thread on Reddit which was a channeled message from this lady talking about the transition happening on Dec 20-22 I believe or really close to those dates; I wish I could decipher everything.