Date: 4/14/2021
By JernsDreams
my friend and I were driving around and got into a fender bender. the cops took my friend home and sent me on my way. while I driving (idk where to) several cars ran me off the road. three different times they attempted to kidnap me. a girl with long blonde hair ended up capturing me. she took me to this abandoned garage in a field. she had an assistant. apparently the blonde likes to hunt her victims. so her assistant opened the garage door and I took off running. I kept running until I reached a road. I saw my dad who was on a jog around the neighborhood. I guess the whole ordeal happened near where I lived. my dad took me home. my mom was there and called my coach cause apparently I was late for a meet. I ended up in the van with my teammates where my coach made a joke about me being kidnapped. I went off and just kept yelling over him. I continued to yell louder and louder until I woke up.