Nap - Dream (2)

Date: 9/1/2017

By itsliz

In this dream it takes place at the office in the past nap Dream I had. It's still Bounce, and the entry way us different. There's now a hallway that leads to the office but it's short. There's a door at the end leading to the office and another door to the right going to a private office. Like today, I came around to say hi but apparently to the whole office instead of just my boss. I chat it up with a few people, not yet willing to go outside since it's winter outside apparently, and getting dark. I head outside but seem to go in and out to put some stuff away, and I was talking to Tyrion Lannister, the character not the actor. I had finished and caught Tyler's attention. We say hello and I ask how he's been, and the conversation is nice and formal. I guess I must be very friendly since the few times I go in and out he strikes up a conversation, up until I'm actually getting ready to leave. I go outside, now that dusk has mostly passed. I open the passenger side of the red truck to grab my jacket and Tyler comes to his small SUV not wearing much that's warm. I ask what he's doing outside and he says he just wanted to be sure he grabbed his stuff so it didn't get cold. Someone else comes outside and I say hello so it doesn't seem like me and Tyler are talking about anything important as he goes into his vehicle. Turns out its Tyrion and I want to keep him outside but also I guess appear adorable as I point at the sky and say that the stars are particularly bright. They looks like lit-up star shapes very bright in the sky, attached by lines to make constellations that are changing. The stars slide into other constellations, always moving and Tyrion takes an interest but must head inside. Tyrion leaves eventually. I close the truck door and Tyler comes out in a better coat, still just wearing sweatpants and a shirt with only socks. He looks up at the stars as I'm staring, and makes a comment that I don't remember but I think it's about the stars. He needs to grab more things and I'm heading inside but somehow Lola is coming toward me! Surprised to see her, I pick her up and head back to the truck to put her inside. Jonathan comes along to go inside, just arriving and I shrug at him arriving he gives me a confused look. Tyler comes back to the driver side where I'm putting Lola down on the seat and I glance at him. "You wanna pet her?" I ask as I pat down her fur in her chest. "Sure," he says as he reaches forward to pet her soft chest and she starts to purr. I laugh and say, "She might look like she'll bite you, but she actually won't. So you can keep petting her." He does for a few more moments before it's time to head back inside and I close the door. We step it the parking lot, now that's it's actually dark, and look up at the stars which are just normal stars now. We start heading inside and I glance at Tyler as I ask, "Are you cold?" "Yeah, I didn't bring gloves." "I don't have to worry about it much sine my hair is like a hat," I say as I pull at some of my hair a little to make my point, then having to pull my hoodie down as we go inside. I throw him a smile as he heads to his desk and I go into the right private office wondering what I can do. It starts off as a waiting room where people are waiting, maybe to talk to the new boss. I go to grab some water and look into the office expecting to find my old boss, but it's empty and he's already gone. I wake up.