Self Driving Car and I'm a Hero

Date: 8/27/2019

By leathecage

I found myself attending high school again, even though I am a grown adult. I was in this class and it was the last day until summer vacation. It was a group project we were doing, and my partner was slacking off. I did everything I needed to do, but that guy was doing everything all wrong. He interpreted one of the assignments as to bring your dog to class, which didn't make sense. Finally, the last bell rang and I headed out to my car, which is my current car in the waking world, a red VW Beetle. For some reason, I had this habit of sitting in the back seat and having my car drive itself, even though it wasn't aware of all the traffic laws. My car, which I named Clifford irl, didn't stop at stop signs or wait for traffic to clear before driving onto another road. I was convinced I we were gonna die, so I always climbed up to the driver's seat and took over before that happened. But, on the last day of school, I got in the backseat by mistake again, then these two girls approached me, asking if they could get a ride. I was nervous about looking foolish in the backseat only to climb to the front again, so I agreed and hoped that Clifford understood my directions today. All three of us were jammed in the back, and I used my key fob to talk to Clifford and tell him which ways he needed to go, and what rules of the road he needed to remember. We ended up getting to the destination with no problems. Apparently the girls needed a ride to the financial office, and they were embarrassed to admit they were poor. I wasn't judging, and I told them I would wait outside while they delt with their things. I stood on a hill across the parking lot and started smoking a cigarette (which I don't do and have never done). I ended up buring through two, and the third one I pulled out to smoke was actually a tampon, and I was confused on how it got in the box. I then noticed the older sister of the two girls approached me from behind, and she thanked me for the help. Suddenly, I heard the door of the building open, and the two sisters were walking out of it. I realised that the girl infront of me was a shapeshifter, and was going to try and kill me. She suddenly had giant, pointy teeth, and was close to biting my head off, but I knocked her out. As she laid there, I ran down the hill and called for Clifford, and told the real girls to hurry. We all got in and Clifford started speeding away. The shapeshifter, however, got back up and started chasing us. It was in its real form, which was a giant black mass of goo and teeth. Clifford did a great job of following directions and avoiding the beast. I kept telling him to fly and use a speed boost, and we would go off road through the forest and lose sight of the creature. Soon, we made it to the girl's house, which was this massive mansion, even though they said they were poor. I immediately put an invisible barrier around the property so the moster couldn't get in, and we drove up to the front of the house. There the girls got out and ran inside, and I saw their mom and two other women each walking a dog, and they approached my car. Their mom thanked me for driving them home, bbn ut told me not to take such a shabby car next time. I heard Clifford roar his engine in anger, but I patted him to calm down. I warned the Missus about not letting anyone through the gate of the house, but she through I was being ridiculous. I then grabbed her head and put her forehead against mine. This way, I was able to transfer my orders directly into her subconscious so she would do as I say, weather she liked it or not. I then drove off and went to an abandoned house nearby. I told Clifford that I was going to stay here for the night to keep watch, and that he could stay safe hidden in the bushes nearby. He seemed a bit nervous about my safety, but I reminded him that I could fly and would have no problem making my emergency getaway. He still had a problem hiding in the bushes though, so I said that he could park at my grandparent's house, which was just down the road. He was nervous, but I was telling him the directions through the key fob. Then, a school bus was driving by, and it stopped. The bus driver, who was a dog with a police hat, got out and started attacking Clifford. I started yelling and running over, which got the dog's attention. He left Clifford and started running at me. Clifford, meanwhile, drove away to my grandparent's house. The dog approached me, and before he could strike I did the forehead thing and made him go back in his school bus and leave. So he did, and drove off with all the kids still in the back.