Digital art, She watches as the comedian struggles to comprehend the couple's idea of 'compromise', when her fiancé quips 'because that's a co-dependent relationship' to provide clarity.

Comedy show shade

Date: 1/4/2022

By Hoodie_Ninja

Me and my fiancé were at a comedy show The comedian had used a couple as an example and he basically didn’t get the example He was almost at a loss for words at what the couple figured was “compromise” and he couldn’t pin point why it felt off he was looking for and was going to point another person from the crowd out I stated “because that’s a co dependent relationship” or something along those lines That’s all I remember from the dream

AI generated interpretation This dream may be reflecting a feeling that you have in your current relationship. The comedian not being able to pinpoint why the couple's compromise felt off may symbolize your confusion with your own relationship. It could be that you are feeling unsure about the balance of power within your relationship, or if the compromises you are making are beneficial to both you and your partner. You indicating that it was a "co-dependent relationship" may reflect an underlying feeling that your relationship is overly dependent or unbalanced. It is possible that the dream is encouraging you to reflect on your relationship and reassess the situation to ensure that it is healthy and supportive for both you and your partner.