Minecraft spiders and a wedding

Date: 10/3/2019

By ItsABlackCat

I had this weird dream which started with me as a hero / magical princess person who was, for some reason, in the dimension of Minecraft. We were fighting spiders under this cliff. But then we switched dimensions again (I could do that for some reason) and the spiders came into real life with us when we went back to our dimension. Same place, same cliffs, but real this time, and the spiders were massive. Like, I’m talking the size of the cliffs themselves, I was absolutely dwarfed by it, it was like me and the spider switched sizes where I was a bug compared to it. But I still had to fight it for some reason. It was massive yet fast, crawling around and making divots in the grass where each of it’s legs stepped carefully yet precisely, and it’s pincers opened and closed, opened and closed like some sort of machine, dripping menacing foam. It’s eyes bulged in all directions, all red and madly spinning, in fury and in its animal-craze to kill me. I still fought it, with a real iron sword and everything, slicing at it’s bulging black underbelly lined with small hairs the size of my arm each. I managed to get a few successful swipes and white web-like fluid flowed from the broken skin, which peeled away from it’s body like paper, and it squealed and hissed. I got in a few more, avoiding it’s stomping, frantic legs, and staying directly beneath it. Once I killed it, the entire body fell over, curled up, twitched once, then exploded. White webs, covered in parchment-yellow sticky slime and tinted with globs of red blood, sprayed everywhere. It was gross... Then skip forward and somehow I’m in a wedding. It’s in real life, and the other family getting married is that of one of my friends, Marina. She’s seated ahead of me in this grassy field surrounded by cliffs. It’s a magical place, in springtime, with cherry trees and weeping willows falling down over the smooth rocky cliffs which form walls around the clearing. At the front, a sort of altar has been naturally formed by the same rocks, with a large flat stone over top and below and two taller stones on either side acting like pillars to make what’s almost a tiny cave, really. We’re all sitting on the ground, waiting for the wedding to start. The grass is soft and dry. I crawl to the other side to try and get to my friend. Then skip forward more, the wedding is over and I’m with my other friend Jordan, we’re walking from the wedding to another place for the after-wedding party and we’re going up ‘stairs’ of the same natural stone material. She’s next to me, talking. In front of me is a cute girl with short dirty blonde hair. Her ass is like right in my face bc we’re all close together and she’s a few steps up from me and I’m trying to avoid it, blushing. My friend notices and whispers “she’s cute” and I blush harder. To get around the girl I go to the side, walking ahead of everyone else. They’re all leaving the wedding, going through this ‘path’ in the woods made up of mostly stone and grass, like some magical clearing created just for this wedding or something. There are trees all around us and silence; no city or car noises, nothing to be seen but nature for miles. Birds chirp and fly around in the forest but not over the clearing. Trees rustle. The grass is just as soft up here despite the fact that it seems to be some sort of path; it’s a clearing of the short, soft green stuff mixed with fluffy dark green moss and the stone material occasionally popping back up every now and again. I go down the calm springtime clearing/path and the clearing expands, opening up to a larger clearing which looks kind of like the place where the wedding was. It’s round-ish, with short bushes and taller grasses forming the obvious edge / walls of the clearing, and in the far back there’s a tall cliff. Against the cliff there are some similar rocks, flat and smooth, that look like the ones the altar was made of. They’re stacked randomly, in a generally aesthetically pleasing formation. Picnic baskets are laid out on the grass, with tiny blankets like seats. No bugs are in the clearing; it’s straight out of a fairytale-dream world. Because I’m there ahead of everyone else, I race over to a basket, grab some food, go over to the stone structure and start climbing it. Everything’s pleasantly warm with a cool breeze, I’m wearing a dress but it’s loose and the breeze blows through it, making it ripple around my ankles. I smile and climb to the top of the rock formation, the real cliff looming above me but not in a threatening way. The sun beams down on me and the rocks are already soaking up it’s warmth, giving me a heated seat. I sit down, legs to the side, feeling comfortable and at peace. I eat my food, which is a soft, white-bread peanut-butter jelly sandwich, with fresh strawberry jelly that has chunks of tasty strawberries in it, and smooth peanut butter in just the right amount. It seems to melt in my mouth, in a good way. I also have a fruity drink; I forget what it was exactly but it was peachy and cold and good, and the condensation on the outside of the glass made my normally-overheated hands pleasantly wet, cooling them. The breeze tossed my hair but it didn’t get in my face; it blew away from me, in the breeze, with my dress, so my face was clear and I didn’t once have to wipe my hair out of my face, which is surprising considering how long it is. When I try to remember the dream I see an image of myself, pale but glowing under the yellow light of the golden sun, my long blonde hair blowing to the side away from my face, my medium-length powder-blue dress rippling in the same direction but pinned down by my legs. My feet are bare and curl against the warm dark-gray stone, which is smooth underneath of me. I’m smiling in the dream. All is well, as the rest of the people from the wedding start to file in they fill the clearing with the light, whispered chatter of people also at ease. They sit on the grass and smile and it’s not too loud or obnoxious; it’s perfect. I’m content being alone up there, bathing in sunshine on the rock, in the breeze that smelled like spring.