An accidental lucid dream!

Date: 2/13/2020

By ItsABlackCat

I was dreaming like normal, and it started off like a regular(ish) school day. I ended up walking to McDonalds and using the drive-thru, but without a car, to get a breakfast sandwich. Then as I was eating it I remembered I didn’t have the money to pay for it so I said “I’ll be right back but I forgot my wallet” and the dude working there just said “whatever” and so I ran off back home. Then my mom yelled at me because I was late to school, she ended up driving me and we were stuck behind my school bus so everyone was looking at me and I was trying to hide beneath the seats. I told my mom I needed clothes cuz I was still in my PJs so she drove me to this weird mall with weird clothes and told me to pick some, I went to grab a rack and the silky red and pink shirts on the rack just blew off and floated above me. Then as I was going back out to the car a bunch of leaves floated above me, and later a bunch of birds flew above. Then I just randomly thought, “I think this is a dream.” At first I was like, “nah, I’m going to school and stuff though!” but then I thought, “all of those things floated above me the same way... it has to be a dream.” For some reason that was solid enough evidence for me to know it was a dream. I got super excited because now I could do whatever I wanted! I looked around at the empty, worn down road, stretching for miles straight in each direction; the trees on either side of the road, cherry blossoms with pink flowers just newly budding; and the baby-blue sky, with perfect cotton candy clouds; and the first thing I knew I wanted to do was fly. So I told myself, “I have wings now,” and I flapped my arms and ran and I started flying. But I was really clumsy and it was hard to control, and soon I sped past the edge of the forest and road and it was like going off the edge of the world in Minecraft or something; there was just blank air all around me and I started falling. I was like, “no, I can’t fall or I’ll wake up!” and then I flapped harder and flew back up, and then all of a sudden I was in school. I was like, “woah,” and then my mom came by in a schoolbus and drove straight through a sewer system (which is like in the middle of the road in the dream, but doesn’t exist irl) and I got kind of confused because I thought you were supposed to control lucid dreams. So then I closed my eyes and tried to go back to the forest and it worked, and I flew some more. Then I fell again and when I did I woke up.