Piss-Up Stitch-Up

Date: 12/3/2017

By SwaggyBoy9

So here's a little info : last night all my friends had a hectic piss up at marcos and I didn't go. I was invited and I wanted to go, but my mum wouldn't have let me because there was alcohol and we needed parental consent. I never asked her and just assumed, I regret that now. This is unrelated but on one hand I'm so excited and pumped to change my reality, create what I desire after the long wait. On the other hand, I know how to do it but it's all a bit jumbled up and I'm not sure what to do at sometimes. It's odd, I don't doubt this at all, I've never had one doubt come across my mind with Bashar's method of reality creation. Some part of me wants me to go forward with this and I seem to resonate to it pretty well. Word of advice : don't try to chase those angelic numbers, hoping for more, wishing for more. They appear when you need them, when a message is to be conveyed, not whenever you feel like seeing them. So anyways, here's the dream.. I was at some party with my friends.. I was at the piss-up. Turns out I actually did go and it was great, I remember Sidney handing me a drink and I was laughing. Everything was going great.. Until my mum showed up. I have no clue how the fuck she found me at the party, I didn't even know where I was! The place slightly reminded me of my own home (specifically my living room) but was not quite the same. So I see my mum and she clearly fucking sees me, but theres a few people between us and I try to run for it. So I hide behind this big... I don't know what the fuck it was. Like some big letters? Idk, I hid behind them and my mum comes outta nowhere and finds me again. So we go home from there and I decide to meet my fate and ass kicking. But what happens next will shock you! My mum calmly says "If you wanted to go drink with your friends, why didn't you just ask me? I would've said yes". nigga what the fuck. Hearing those fucking words on the drive home made me question my existence and if I was really sitting with my mum. Although, there's a good moral in this story : don't assume things. Especially with this reality creation stuff, you never know what's gonna happen now.