I somehow went to Oregon and got chased by a crazy guy- September 26, 2018

Date: 9/26/2018

By Ainsley_dreamz

This dream started off where I was in Oregon (where a lot of my friends live). I went inside this house where Dakota lived apparently. She lived there with several other kids who weren't her siblings, and a big, tough looking guy that was apparently her parent (he's not actually her parent IRL). I was so happy to finally be aw to see Dakota for the first time in almost a year! We talked and talked. Sadly, I had to fly home soon so I had to keep checking my phone in case my mom texted me. She was going to fly to Oregon and then drive back to the airport with me. Dakota was sad about this too but she understood. I went into the living room and the big guy stood in front of me and started talking to me. He asked me simple questions like "how are you" and stuff like that. But he kept getting closer and closer and I saw him with his eyes on my phone. "NO don't take my phone!" I said. "I need it so my mom can text me." He obviously didn't care about that because he kept trying to grab it. Then it looked like he was about to hurt me or something so I said "I'll slap you." But then I realized I've never slapped anyone before so I tried but it didn't do anything. So he kept getting closer and I looked around. There was a glass measuring cup on the table next to me. I picked it up and threw it at him but he dodged it. It sort of bounced off the wall somehow (breaking a little bit) and hit him in the back of the head. Then he was furious. He started grabbing things around him and throwing them at me. I dodged every single one. When he took a break from throwing things at me to find more things, I made a run for it. I ran out the door and made my way down the road as fast as I could. I couldn't run very fast because I'm usually very slow in my dreams which gets really annoying if I want to run away from something. I realized that I could be found easily if I ran along the road so I started going through people's yards and turning in all sorts of directions. I heard they guy far away yelling "you think you can hide? I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!" I ran faster and panicked. I was so out of breath. Finally, I saw Dakota again. She said "I knew where to find you. I'm coming with you. But we have to run!" After all of that running somehow we managed up in this dark room with weird big objects in it. Apparently in the dream it was called a "weird and gross science museum." Also, it was apparently somewhere I had been to in the dream. We looked around and touched things. "This place seems strangely familiar," Dakota said. We heard a gross gurgle sound and we said in unison, "we're in the gross science museum!" "We can't stay here or I'll barf from that noise," I said, uneasily. We started running around finding better places to go. Eventually we ended up at the Oregon fair. When we got there, I saw my mom drive up to the parking lot. Asher's friend, Izzy came out of the car and we told her about what happened. "I know I heard about it. Get in the car!" She yelled. We got in and my mom locked the door and started driving away. And that's when my alarm rang and so I'll never know if we made it out safely