Social Discomfort Downtown & Watching my Grandmother have Yet Another Heart Attack

Date: 3/30/2019

By fluffytree

In my first dream I was attending some sort of anime convention downtown with my younger brother and sister, they're significant others and friends. Everybody literally had another person to accompany them except me and I felt really out of place. To top it off there was supposed to be some sort of party soon too with dancing and stuff. My mind was telling me that my brother had just gotten married and this was like an after reception sort of party and that's why I was here in the first place. But I wanted so badly to leave too. I figured once the party starts I'll just slip away. I doubt anyone would notice if I left anyway. I can't remember what else happened at this point, just that the dream scene changed into something else. In my next and final one I was with my family again but this time we were in a mall on our way home. Grannie was with us and back to her usual self but wanted to stop and order ice cream and some round cookies that I didn't know were cookies at first. They were quite good though. I do think it's not a good idea for her to eat all these sweets since she's diabetic but I assume she knew her limits. But then suddenly we're back in some small room still in the mall that looked like a hospital room. Grannie was on the bed convulsing and doctors and nurses were trying to stabilize her. All the rest of us could do is watch in horror. I couldn't believe this was happening again because irl she had several heart attacks back in September 2018 that's left her severely brain damaged. But back to the dream, they did manage to save her but it still wasn't looking so good. I guess my mind didn't wanna deal with the stress of it all so I was instantly whisked away to a different dream, this time I was up in some mountains running downhill alongside Sonic the Hedgehog. It looked very 3D animated as if out of a video game. Not only that but the location we were running at looked like a Sonic level as well. It was cool but I think we kept missing this one jump over and over because we had to start over at least 3 times before I finally woke up.