Date: 7/20/2020
By ashpaulno
I remember the dream starting off in my house. I noticed a trail of random toys and stuff through my back door. I went outside to go look and the trail lead into the woods next my house. I remember not seeing anything at first so I went inside to tell my mom about the trail of stuff and how creepy it was. I then went back outside to look again and notice a boy in the woods sitting on a bench. He turned around and looked at me. I went back inside and told my mom that it's been a little boy making the trail of stuff. In the process of telling her, I saw another little boy with blonde hair doing the same thing, making a trail of random stuff into the woods. As I was talking to my mom I could see the boy with brown hair hiding by the sliding glass door. I opened the door and he started running away. I asked them to politely get out of our yard and they didn't say anything. I went back inside to tell my mom that I told them to leave. I went outside and asked them where there parents were. I don't remember them speaking at all. Fast forward and Glen and my mom are handing them Pop tarts through the door and im handing them a cookie. Randomly we all end up outside with the two boys. They're running around the backyard playing and laughing and I see Jayden walk outside also. Then the dream stops. I wish I could remember more there was a lot of crazy random things happening that I don't remember the order or how everything went into play...