Magical Adventure with Portals & Breath of the Wild x Resident Evil 4

Date: 5/8/2018

By fluffytree

In my first dream I was in a church of some kind listening to the preacher talk not only about the Bible, but how all magic was evil, specifically the kind that creates portals into the unknown. I wasn't really listening at first, but when he began speaking of magic my ears perked up. He showed a picture in his Bible of what to look out for and it showed illustrations of random puddles of blue liquid which I assume was maybe water, but it had a cartoon quality and look to them. He mentions to stay away from these abominations at all costs, but it just intrigues me more. Next thing I know I'm outside the sanctuary wandering the halls looking for one of these things. I find one rather easily and jump straight into one which leads me into a colorful and very bizarre world where there was no sky or ground, just an endless stretch in all directions of large bubbles that were all manner of color. Some were blue, pink, orange and mixed with various other hues. The atmosphere was also a mix of several bright colors as well. I found I could stand on them and jump from one to another. I spotted what looked like more of those blue liquid portals even here and there were many around just floating in the air like everything else. When I ventured through one it would always lead me back to a different section of the church which I found very interesting. I wasn't sure if the portals led only back and forth between that world and the church, but I was curious to see if I could get to other places, perhaps worlds this way. But my whimsical adventure took a dark turn as the preacher was furious with my actions. He stood in the hallway now surrounded by men in full-body SWAT gear holding AK-47s and pointed at me to be seized I guess for the crime of blasphemy or whatever. I found a guy who was also a target and we instantly became friends and escaped back into one of the portals. There weren't as many here in the real world as in the colorful dimension they led to but you could still find them rather easily. The men never could follow us through though for some reason. Maybe they were blocked off to them who knows, but it was definitely advantageous to us. When we came out again it was in the sanctuary and everyone was gone except a teenage girl standing on the stage who appeared to be completely still and slowly turning into crystalline stone. She couldn't speak or move but could move her eyes. Her gaze met ours and she was clearly afraid. We had to help her somehow. We received telepathic information from her that the preacher has done this using dark magic no less and kept her a secret for a long time. We tell her we'll find a way to free her and run off to the pastor's office to see if we can find clues there. But the "episode" ends on a cliffhanger and I woke up. In my next one I found myself in what seemed to be a video game that was in the vein of Resident Evil 4 as far as playstyle. I was myself and had a collection of swords and shields on my repertoire to choose from via hud menu and one of those were none other than the Master Sword and Hylian Shield specifically from Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Botw). I started off in some dingy looking house that had zombies and other monstrous creatures running about that I killed in a few slashes. I used the same strategy here that I did in Botw which is to use weaker swords on the weaker enemies since the Master Sword, although the strongest weapon, can still break after many hits. I ended up getting to a dock area and it got really quiet save for the constant creaking from the wood of an old boat anchored nearby. And then out of nowhere Dark Link, dressed all in black of course, came jumping from the top mast of that boat and landing right in front of me. He got up and grinned evilly. "You did well to make it this far," he says, "But I'm afraid you die here." His boss meter shows up on the "screen" and he begins attacking quite fast. I definitely need the Master Sword and Hylian Shield for him. Maybe even an high-powered ancient weapon too. He's actually not that hard once you figure out his moves. He's just fast and of course perfect dodging him is a must in order to get a hit off him. Unfortunately I don't think I was able to beat him because the dream began falling apart during the battle and I woke up. Maybe I got too excited and my heart rate went up. That does tends to wake me up. It was really fun though.