weird motion/feelings (multiple dreams)

Date: 8/31/2017

By vileplume

ive had this happen a few times in my dreams where its dark/almost dark and i cant see anything and i get these motions/touches? that sounds weirder than it needs to be sorry 1. (oct 25, this is about the ending of the dream) im in this very tiny house/room thing and i hide behide a chair bc i know some group/people just entered it but i know theyre not "good" and im too scared to look at them so i continue sitting there while they blindfold me from behind and i close my eyes. its now black and im not sitting down anymore, its like im in a void. too make sure there isnt anyone/anything near me i just do some random kicking and punching. for a second nothing happens so i think nothing is there but at that moment i get hit with a bunch of punches/blows all over my body and wake up. (i thought this part was also from this night but i might be wrong) i false awaken in my bed where its dark but the lamp beside my bed is on and is making the small surrounding area lit up orange like candle light. i go to shut it off but i somehow fall off my bed so only my legs are still kinda on the bed. i then feel someone (i take it as a dark shadow-y figure) covers my mouth and on my right hand i feel like they are gripping hard at my hand and that they have pointed fingers which kinda pierce and i use my left hand to try and free it then i wake up. 2. (dec 8) i false awaken in a dark room that somewhat resembles my own room where i can still see things and i realize my mom is next to me. after she says something i turn around and the dream goes fully black and i feel that grab/sharp piercing hand on my right hand. i try to get it free by using my other hand then i wake up. 3. this one is older than those other ones but idk when this one was. its (another) false awakening in my room. i think im wanting the light to be on so i am just about to get out of my bed and turn it on but its now all dark. i here some pterodactyl screech and get swung/pushed into the air. there are all these air motion slashes coming at me from all directions tossing me around in mid air as if the pterodactyl was constantly flying at me.