Living in the shop

Date: 2/21/2021

By NZdreams

I’m living in a department store or clothing shop, with two other people, a man and a woman. The woman and I are together and she seems to morph into Ali later in the dream. The shop is in the USA. We have moved in and live there clandestinely. We are not criminals exactly more like spies or auditors. One night we get discovered by an employee. One of my co-residents spins her a line of bullshit to explain why were there but it’s not going well. She’s about to give up and tell the truth when I come in with a whole second level of bullshit and carry the day. I’m wearing a knitted pullover tiger stripes on the arms which I think of as distinctively American. The shop employee is picked up by her boyfriend. They both seem very working class so I try to display my working class roots when I’m introduced to him, by telling him I’m a machine fitter. I’m not sure he’s buying it entirely…