Date: 4/8/2020
By WhiteMist17
First dream: my stepdad is trying to fill out this scholarship application for my”brother” who played football but it was really Travis. My stepdad had to step away for a minute and handed the phone to mean to do this interview with the people over the phone. And I was trying to answer the questions, but I didn’t know the answers and Travis was yelling in my ear over and over as I was giving them the credit card number, do you think they put a fee on the card, There could be a fee that They put on the card. I said hold onto the people on the phone and told him to be quiet because I was on the phone with people he was trying to get a scholarship from. He has stopped for a minute but the inside I got back up on the phone he started in again. The interviewer is asking me if I think the Trump Walmart scholarship will be enough or if we will also be seeking other scholarships. I don’t know the answer to this question so I say get Rick over here he knows how to answer these I don’t. And Travis is still screaming And he says is there a fucking fee? I turned around and hit him in the mouth and then realized he said a cuss word and went to hit him again but I didn’t hit him very strongly that time and grabbed a hold of his shirt button with my teeth to pull him back over to me so I can hit him proper when Rick pushes him back away from me. I gave him the phone and said I don’t know how to answer these questions. Eodair Second dream: there is a man from old days and his face is lit up by Lantern light. He is telling me the story of his nanny slave, how she could read and write and that she was the best nanny ever had. He said I loved her. It was a sad day when she left. He said she disappeared and the kids were heartbroken, I had to tell them something so I told them she probably ran away and got caught and is now working in the mine. He shakes his head and tears come to his eyes, He says I know the truth, I dug her grave, I couldn’t tell the children, just break their hearts. He doesn’t say any more than that but I know that things must’ve got real sticky. Third dream: this one is long. Drawn out. I am just going to give it a few bare sentences. A girl wants a pop out knife implanted in her palm. I meet a guy named Myes. He worked at Walmart and gave me extra butters in my 20s. He had a knife. They wanted us to come over and implant it in her. Another woman offered to implant, So Myes told Them that he would not do it. This girl knew my dad somehow and had the hots for him. We leave her place after selling her the knife. It was a double ended pink knuckle grabber pop out end knife with release button in the middle. As I get in Myes’ car, her people come to attack us. Guy with gun on Myes’ side, guy with arrows on my side, I get in and am dodging arrows and fighting him off so I can close and lock the door. His arrows keep swerving around me finally I get him out of the way and I shut and locked the door though it is barely close and he keeps tugging on it it is locked and closed. I get home and I know the girl is going to come after me. Home is the house on Harrington Street. She knocks on the door and I go to the door, not wanting to let her in but dad says let her in because he’s been tutoring her in school work. I say that she wants to kill me and he says don’t be crazy. She comes in and comes at me with her knife in her hand, she is upset because we wouldn’t surgically implant it. I say that is crazy. She holds out her hand with a knife in it which is not in planted yet. She says come touch it and I laugh and say no I know that she will cut me the instant I touch it. She keeps trying to get me to touch it and so finally I reach over and grab it out of her hand real quick. She gets mad. I tell her that I am calling the police. She says do it. Somehow she instantly is naked And goes and throws herself on my dad and he is like whoa get off of me and she’s screaming don’t you want me I am all yours. And he’s trying to fight her off and get her outside which he finally does. She is standing out there naked, screaming give me my clothes -I throw them at her through the door and quickly lock the door. I am so relieved and dad apologizes for not listening to me. Fourth dream: my parents and I are out in the woods, my mom stumbles on to a berry patch. We are camping and there is someone else camping too. We go back and see that even more people are camping there, even though there is no water close. We think that it’s odd.