New School. New Country

Date: 8/27/2019

By Channy03

I went to a new school in England with Diarra, Edith, Hannah, and a few other girls from my old school. The building looked a lot like my old school, just when you walked in. It was co ed. It was an Anne Leaders day, so I looked to see where I was with my mother, who took me to school that day - the first day, and I was downstairs like always. There I saw Diarra and Edith who were excited to see me. Later on Diarra told Edith and I that she has already hooked up with someone, and I accidentally walked in on them doing it, and started wondering if I should snitch or not, but I just kept my mouth shut. Then I went to my first class, Hannah was there, she sat in front of me, and it was kind of boring. Hannah played games on my phone, and we were also kind of texting Diarra who was across the room. Then when that class ended, I went to go find my locker, to put down stuff that was in my bag because my back was hurting (in real life and in dream). I overheard another class going on, where the teacher was comparing something too KFC, and this one student kept interrupting to say how much he likes KFC. I walked into that room, when the class was done, too ask the teacher where the music room was (he didn’t not seem to like me). It was upstairs, so I headed there for my next class. There were already some kids there, and 2 female teachers in the room. They asked me to write something on the bored. I made a joke as I went up (to one of the girls - my friend - who was in the previous class with me). Turns out she was in the wrong class. Other girls came up to help me write since I was writing in cursive wrong, so I went to sit down. I sat next to a guy named Lincoln. The other teacher that I asked for help, came upstairs too join the class. Lincoln and I started talking. He was asking me how old I am and what grade I’m supposed to be going too. He thought I was 12… He started going through his playlist on Spotify, and a song came on that I knew, so I started singing. He eventually joined me, and we started singing and dancing together. Then, 1 of the 3 teachers started lecturing us about the new school and how we should already know our way around (even if we’re new) and that there should be no more lateness too her class. Then she made us form a circle, and we all kind of linked arms and started rocking with each other while she sang a song…