Date: 6/21/2022
By lauriemae
I have 2 major exes, the first I was with fir 6 years, the second for 15. But in this dream they were both pretty recent break ups. I have been working things out qoth the second ex. I was with my parents. Theybhad a hotel room while work was being done at one of 2 places they had. I'm not sure why they weren't staying at the other place. So I was up super early, or maybe super late. It was around 5am and there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and some guy was standing there, I asked who are you. When he said his name, I remembered him from some college classes. He said he had seen me in the hallway amd had always had a huge crush on me since college. I thought he was cute so we kissed a but and decided to give it a shot at being boyfriend amd girlfriend. The next day we had plans to hang out. Right before he came my mom had accused me of taking some of her pills. I didn't even know what her pulls were or what they were for and u tried to tell her I wouldn't steal from her, and I'd never just take a random pill that I didn't know. They she accused me of trying to shoot up some pills. I got bucj naked and said, ok, show me track marks. A butblater my boyfriend showed up. My mom said if I left I was kicked out. I didn't have anywhere to go, but I left woth my boyfriend anyway. Also I had just gotten a new job and had only worked one day. So my boyfriend took me to this bug office building. Turned out he worked there. Then when we got to the reception desk, he told me he had gotten me am interview there. I was mad because I had no idea and I would have dressed nicer amd I didn't even want the Jon. But I tried to be nice and do the interview anyway. After that we west to Costco so he could look for some camping stuff. After we left we walked around a little bit, and I happened to se a cat outside of some apparements that looked like the cat I had with one ex. It was that cat and I saw the ex looking out of the window, but I pretended I didn't see him. He had cheated on me a ton, so I wanted nothing to do with him. I had been in contact with the other ex, but told him I was dine trying to work things out and that I had gotten a new boyfriend, but I wanted to stay friends. Somehow later the bad ex with the cat tried to talk to me. I had told my new boyfriend how terrible this ex was and he wanted him to get beat up, so as my ex was trying to come talk to me, I went and sat in a monster truck that some biker had. I knew that the biker would beat him up if he saw him in the cat. It worked and he got beat up. Later I was alone and texting my mom. She asked me if I could take care of the dogs at the other property. I asked if I could stay there and she said no, so I said I wouldn't help then. I had told her I would give her a ride to the doctor, so she asked if I would still take her, I asked again to stay at the other property since I had nowhere to stay, and again she said no. So I said I wouldn't take her later I decoded to try and contact the bad ex woth the cat because I had nowhere else to stay. He said I could come over. So I went to his place, it was a crappy little trailer and he had a kid there that was maybe around 2 years old. I asked if it was his kid amd he said yes. Then I told him that was proof that he had definitely cheated. I got sad and cried and asked why he was so terrible to me when I had done everything for him. It did make me feel a bit better that he had a crappy place and was broke. When we were together, we had a real nice apartment. I later texted my mom, hoping to make her feel bad, saying I had to stay with this bad ex, because I had nowhere else to go. That's about all I remember. I do remember telling people along the way about a dream I had the night before where there was an earthquake and gang members had pointed guns at me. So I would tell people, after the earthquake. I almost died 3 times, with guns being pointed at me.