Wizarding Nightmare

Date: 1/3/2017

By Sira

I was a wizard going to school and trying to harness my power. I was studying by myself in a back classroom of the Hogwarts like building when one of my teachers comes in looking pissed. I continue studying as he comes up and slams his hands on my table in front of me. "Well well well, I assumed a harlot such as yourself would be spending your spare time doing more "recreational activities."" I look up at him appalled. He leans down smiling, I back away from him and the rancid breath that wafts across my face. As I do that the corners of his mouth turn down sharply "I'm sorry sir, I do not provide such services, I don't know where you got your information but they were sorely mistaken." At this point he's almost got steam coming out of his ears, he grabs my throat and lifts me out of my seat until my feet are dangling off of the floor. He starts laughing maniacally as I come closer and closer to passing out. He drops me into a heap on the floor just before I black out. I struggle for air gasping and wheezing. He kicks me in the stomach pushing me onto my back. Climbing on top of me he hold my arms down beside my head as he smashes his filthy lips into mine and invading my mouth with his vile tongue. It's about this time that my brain starts to de-fog and I lose my shit. I bite down on his tongue and bite off the tip. He immediately pulls back putting a hand to his bleeding mouth, he socks me in the face with his free hand. My head bounces off of the stone floor, stars dance in front of my eyes with the impact. I spit the bloody piece of tongue into his face. He jumps back hard trying to avoid the mangled piece of flesh giving me just enough room to knee him in the family jewels and drag myself off of the floor. I grab my wand off of the desk and flee. As I round the corner an bolt of blue lighting blows apart a stone carving on the wall right where my head had been seconds earlier. I keep running and running and running until I feel like my lungs are about to explode. I fall to my knees at the top of a tall staircase. A woman comes sweeping in from a pair of gilded double doors just in front of me she comforted me with a sweet smile, helping me to my feet she ushers me through the doors she came out of. We step from the quiet hallways of the school into a roaring stadium. I turn toward her confused. Her sweet smile tiens sinister as she pushes me down another smaller set of stairs into a pit with someone else, they were dressed in ragged robes, bones jutted out pulling his skin taunt across his face, with dirty blonde hair that at one point was the purest of gold, his eyes were sunken in and he was barefoot. The woman above pulled a wand out of the folds of her dress and waved it in the air. Suddenly the floor below us began to move it began to tilt downward sliding us to the edge of the platform, peering over the edge I see a ridiculous fall, at least fifty stories, I panic scrambling away from the edge dragging the dirty boy with me. The crowd around us starts chanting in unison in a language I can't understand. The floor becomes too steep for us to keep climbing on and we start to slip down. I look once more back up at the woman who pushed us into this mess she's laughing maniacally with the teacher who tried to rape me. Everytime he opens his mouth blood pours out. We reach the edge of the platform and I cling to the boy for dear life and he does the same to me. Just before we fall he tells me his name is Xavier. We slip off of the edge.