Date: 3/23/2021
By natassja666
In my dream last night it was the night before my wedding and I was doing a practice test and getting things ready. It was night time and I was in the middle of the forest, all of the trees were a pale grey/white. I know it was going to be an extremely small wedding, even smaller than it’s going to be in real life and it felt like a lot of the people that were there were random people I don’t know very well. That night I was sleeping in a cottage right outside the woods where I was to get married. My partners boss and one of their friends and my partner himself where the only people who were staying in the cottage overnight with me. My partners boss, Ghandy said he brought lsd and really wanted us all to trip together. I was initially not really down because I knew we wouldn’t get much sleep and we had a big day coming up and I didn’t want to be out of it at all for my wedding. And also I don’t take it when I am anywhere near my daughter and she was going to be staying at the cottage with us now as well. He said his butler was on the way to watch her and take care of her and his butler was some superhero/robot hybrid who flew like a rocket ship to the cottage extremely quickly. I wasn’t comfortable with a stranger watching her but I said I just wouldn’t take very much at all and could quietly check on her lots while she slept. We dropped the acid and played hide and go seek, I was it first and since I was playing with a bunch of larger sized men it was so easy to find them all.